

分类: 影视英语 
本文是经典爱情电影听力系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第九段对白听力。



Kate:Sorry I haven't made it to the mailbox lately. It's been a long week. All night shifts.

Alex:Good to hear from you. I thought you left me. You should know that you're my only connection to the future. How come we never talk about the things we like?

Kate:Well, let's see. Reading the classics to Jack.

Alex:Who's his favorite?


Alex:For me, this city, on a day when the light is so clear that I can touch every detail every brick and window in the buildings I love. Come on, take a walk with me this Saturday. Let me show you.

Kate:You're crazy. Why are you going through all this trouble for me?

Kate:No trouble. Summer's here.

Alex:Okay, your turn. Favorite things. 湖边小屋:和我共度美好的星期六

Kate:Where to start? Okay. When I smell the flowers before I see them. When it starts to rain just as the picnic is ending. And I love the smell of Jack's paws.

Alex:You didn't forget to mention your husband, did you?

Kate:Well, of course I love my husband, who is also a doctor. Plastic surgeon for small farm animals.

Alex:Good. I'm married too. I've got eight children, and none of them look like me. I'm worried, Kate.

Kate:I would be too.

Alex:I'm single.

Kate:Me too. Number 27.

Alex:She's a beauty. My father used to tell me she was the grandma for all the houses in the city. He used to take me on walks like I'm taking you now.



Kate:I wish we could have done this walk together.


1. night shift:夜班

2. hear from:收到……的信

3. take a walk:散步

4. plastic surgeon:整形外科医生

5. I would be too:Alex开玩笑说,他有八个孩子,但是没有一个像他,于是很担心。这句是Kate的回答:如果是我,我也会很担心。

