

分类: 影视英语 
本文是经典爱情电影听力系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第十段对白听力。



Kate:So, what do you think? 湖边小屋:这些都是细节问题不重要

Kate's Mom:He sounds like a nice boy.

Kate:Sounds like a nice boy. Anything else?

Kate's Mom:He has wonderful penmanship.

Kate:Mother, look at the date on the letter. The date.

Kate's Mom:You mean the time thing?


Kate's Mom:That's just a detail.

Kate:Just a detail?

Alex's Dad:About the...the other day...it was not a good moment. I was in a hell of a hurry.

Alex:Of course. You've got some nice pieces here.

Alex's Dad:Oh, yeah. Music's fine, music helps. It's like Nietzsche says "life would be senseless"

Alex:Without music.

Alex's Dad:I guess I told you that, huh? Pour yourself a drink. Can you appreciate a good wine by now?

Alex:You bet. 湖边小屋:这些都是细节问题不重要

Alex's Dad:You know, you'll have to forgive your father for being curious but... where have you been all these years? I thought your Kerouac days were behind you.

Alex:I'm sorry, what?

Alex's Dad:What? Oh, you can come up, if you like.

Alex:What are you working on?

Alex's Dad:Oh, I'm just - I'm just remembering things. It's not such an easy job, let me tell you. Nor is it particuIarly innocent, in my case. Your father is writing his memoirs.

Alex:Are we in it?

Alex's Dad:What do you think? Do you wanna be?

Alex:Do you?

Alex's Dad:Of course. You were all a part of your father's life.

Alex:Why are you talking to me in the third person?

Alex's Dad:Well, I - I don't - Because I'm writing about myself, I suppose. Why, doesn't it suit you?

Alex:I thought you might like these.

Alex's Dad:What are these? Something you've been working on?

Alex:No, they're- They're yours. From a house I just bought on the lake.

Alex's Dad:Oh, yes, I heard. They said some sleazy little condo developer had snapped it up. Oh, come on. Indulge your father. Can't you take a little joke, for God's sake? Come on. Tell me. Where have you been? I really want to know.

Alex:I was trying to forget you. Or forgive you.

Alex's Dad:Did you succeed?

Alex:No. let me know if you need any help remembering.

Alex's Dad:Oh, yeah, I will.


1. penmanship:n. 书法

2. in hell of:表示程度。非常

2. Nietzsche:尼采,德国哲学家。这里引用尼采的一句名言:Life would be senseless without music. 如果没有音乐,生活就毫无意义。

4. You bet. :非常口语化的短语,“当然了”。

5. I thought your Kerouac days were behind you. :这句话的意思是Alex的父亲觉得Alex在外漂泊了这么久,应该安定下来了,Kerouac指的是美国著名流行作家Jack Kerouac写的经典小说《在路上》(On The Road)中的一群年轻人。这部小说以作家本人为原型描写了一群年轻人的旅行经历,他们的行径很像“嬉皮士”,包括偷车、裸游等,举止相当另类。

6. memoir:回忆录

7. the third person:第三人称

8. for God's sake:看在上帝的面子上,务必

