
四月傻瓜 April Fool

分类: 趣味英语 


四月傻瓜 April Fool

April first is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks on each other. If one secceeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says,“April Fool!” And then the person who has been tricked usually laughs,too.

On April first, a country bus was going along a road. Then it slowed down and stopped. The driver turned switches and pressed buttons, but nothing happened. Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old. It isn’t going as well as it used to. There is only one thing to do if we want to get home today. I shall count three, and on the word ‘three’, I want you to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again. But if it doesn’t, I am afraid there is nothing else I can do.”

So all the passengers leaned back against seats and got ready for the driver’s signal.

The driver began to count,“get ready,” he said. “One! Two! Three!”. The passengers all swang forward at his last word——and the bus started again.

The passengers all laughed when the driver cried,“April fool!” So,the driver had played a big joke on everybody in the bus.

四月傻瓜 April Fool








