24. Between 1951 and 1963, it was illegal in the country of Geronia to manufacture, sell, or transport any alcoholic beverages. Despite this prohibiti...
Conservative: Socialists begin their arguments with an analysis of history, from which they claim to derive certain trends leading inevitably to a soc...
19. When permits for the discharge of chemicals into a waterway are issued, they are issued in terms of the number of pounds each chemical that can be...
-1-1-13. Top college graduates are having more difficulty demonstrating their superiority to prospective employers than did the top students of twenty...
1.什么是LAST? LAST是LawSchoolAdmissionTest(法学院入学考试)的缩写,是由位于美国宾西法尼亚州的法学院入学委员会(LawSchoolAdmissionCouncil简称Law Services)主办的法学院入学资格考试。几乎所有的法学院都要求申请人参加LSAT考试。 ...
One point on the LSAT: How much is it worth? Standardized tests as a determinant of earnings Abstract: A paper examines the market for certification o...
二、分组题 部分分组(从给出的元素中选出一部分进行分组): 4个原则:(根本原则就是要把条件从数字的角度加以理解) 1. 首先想到需要扔掉几个; 2. 若箭头两端提到的是同一类型的元素,则此条件非常重要; 3. 对于A->~B这样的条件,箭头两端的元素至少要扔掉一个; 4. 对于A->B...
我在逻辑方面的入门书是钱永强老师的那本书,看完了前几部分部分后对分析推理有了一个全面的了解,但对那些有点难度的题目却经常感觉自己缺乏一种洞察力,也就是不知其重点考察哪个条件,矛盾将以何种形式出现在哪里。造成的后果就是作题速度慢, 一开始想多作些题、多总结总结就可以解决这个问题,但作了很多题之后虽有改...
主题题main问法 primarary idea / purpose 或 …is mainly concerned with…centrual1.内容性主题题a.选项:选项中出现细节或关键词,就是内容性主题题b.问法:如果是给文章取个”title”,就是内容性主题题c.做法: 有主题句,则做同义变换...
-1-1-14. Either Perry’s faction or Tucker’s faction, but not both, will win control of the government. If Perry’s faction wins, the nation will suffer...