

分类: Lsat英语 

24. Between 1951 and 1963, it was illegal in the country of Geronia to manufacture, sell, or transport any alcoholic beverages. Despite this prohibition, however, the death rate form diseases during the first five years of the period than it was during the five years prior to 1951. Therefore, the attempt to prevent alcohol use merely make people want and use alcohol more than they would have it had not been forbidden.

Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument EXCEPT:

(A) Death form an alcohol-related disease generally does not occur until five to ten years after the onset of excessive alcohol consumption.

(B) The diseases that can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption can also be caused by other kinds of behavior that increased between 1951 and 1963.

(C) The death rate resulting from alcohol-related diseases increase just as sharply during the ten years before and the ten years after the prohibition of alcohol as it did during the years of prohibition.

(D) Many who died of alcohol-related diseases between 1951 and 1963 consumed illegally imported alcoholic beverages produced by the same methods as those used within Geronia.

(E) Between 1951 and 1963, among the people with preexisting alcohol-related diseases, the percentage who obtained lifesaving medical attention declined because of a social stigma attached to excessive alcohol consumption.


B 可能别的原因引起的(他因)
C 法律执行前后和期间死亡增长一样猛(通过比较,切断法律和死亡增长的关系)

