第八篇 Hot Times All Around (1) If good intentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deteriorating atmosphere, the planet’s fragile layer...
A aart.一(个,件,...)anart.一(个,件,...)amv.是abandonvt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃abidevt.(by)坚持,遵守 vt.忍受abilityn.能力;能耐,本领ableadj.有能力的;能干的abnormala.不正常的;...
第九篇 The Economics of Cloning (1) Any normal species would be delighted at the prospect of cloning. No more nasty surprises like sickle cell? or Down s...
第十篇 An AIDS Mystery Solved (1) About 15 years ago, a well-meaning man donated blood to the Red Cross in Sydney, Australia, not knowing he has been exp...
一、基本的阅读方法针对不同题目形式,根据不同的目的,阅读中应采用不同的方法。一般说来,有略读、细读和查读三种。1. 略读 略读也叫快读,其目的是用浏览的方式了解文章的大意和主题思想,并对文章的结构有个总的认识。略读时,应特别注意文章的开始段、结束段、文章中每段的段首句和结尾句以及篇章连接手段和行文中...
第十一篇Fat, dumb and happy,” commercial banks are being quickly replaced as financial intermediaries(1) What would happen to the U.S. economy if al...
考研阅读问题的正确答案经常具有下列五大特征之中的一个或几个:1. 特征一---内容:常与文章的主旨有关。即经常涉及文章的中心思想。有的文章后面几个问题的正确答案都对应文章的主旨,因此,要注意正确表达了原文主旨的选项。例如:2004年第三篇。2. 特征二---位置:常对应段首、段尾和转折处。在前面的做...
北京外国语大学2005年硕士研究生入学考试基础英语试卷Please write all the answers on the answer sheets.Time Limit:3 hoursI.Reading ComprehensionThis section contains two passag...
Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1....