1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘rain’?2. Do you like rain?3. How does rain change your feelings?4. Do you wish it rain more ...
雅思阅览的解题技巧,都是历年来考生从自己的错题本中总结出来的经历,对错常有学习的价值的。本篇文章将为我们共享3个雅思阅览题型的解题技巧,仔细读后,对你的雅思英语备考会有帮助。一、List of Heading1.依据每段内容中的中心句解题。一般中心句在每段的首尾句傍边,而且首句的可能性会更大一些。中...
Ever since 1932, Black Friday has signalled the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the United States. This shopping extravaganza follows Th...
1表示并列的雅思作文连接词:First / second / last, also, and, as well as, at the same time, equally important句子: It seems that the experience we have in life are so...
谈论你曾经做过的一个梦Describe a dream you have had.You should say:when you had this dreamwhat you saw in the dreamwhat you did or said in the dreamand explain w...
和野营相关的话题1. Have you ever been camping before?Yes, just once, but really memorable. I went to the Lingshan Mountain with my friends and my son early th...
考过雅思口语的同学都非常明白Part 2准备时间的重要性,根据笔者自身考试和众多考生的考场经验,考官一般会在考生准备50秒左右的时候询问是否准备好。所以,这黄金般珍贵的50秒对后面近2分钟的陈述起到了至关重要的作用。在雅思口语Part 2 中,考生在听完考官提示后,会得到一张话题卡,一张稿纸和一支笔...
1. Have you ever tried foreign food?Oh yes, I love foreign food all by my heart. I have been to USA before. It was a long stay and I grabbed every opp...