23. The speaker asserts that schools should teach only academic skills, and not ethical or social values. I agree with the speaker insofar as instruct...
22. The speaker here argues that government must support the arts but at the same time impose no control over what art is produced. The implicit ratio...
21. According to the statement, in order to ensure high productivity, companies should base their employees' salaries and job security solely on j...
20. Sample Essay 1: The issue of whether machines are an advantage or disadvantage to humans is a controversial one. On the one hand, humans are more ...
19. Sample Essay 1: Whether an employer should emphasize specialization in business courses or a more varied academic preparation is a controversial o...
18. We take for granted that a primary objective and obligation of a corporation is to maximize profits. But does this mean a corporation cannot also ...
17. The speaker claims that a detailed time-management plan fails to afford adequate flexibility to deal with the unexpected at the workplace. He seem...
16.Theextenttowhichnewpublicbuildingsreflectsocietalvaluesandattitudes dependsonwhetheroneconsidersabuilding’sintendedfunctionoritsdesign.Inthe ...
15. The issue here is whether an international effort to regulate children's access to adult material on the Internet is worthwhile. In my view, n...
14. The speaker claims that all organizations should include a clear hierarchy of accountability because any other structure would work against human ...