In the money (ITM) 价内Index swap 利率交换indirect quotation=quantity quotation 间接报价Inter bank offer rates 银行同业拆放利率Interest rate futures 利率期货Interest rate p...
Sell spot / buy forward 卖出即期被报价币,买入远期被报价币Senior money dealer资深货币交易员Sensitivity points 敏感度Setting rate 利率基准Settlement account 往来账户Settlement limit 交割清算...
SWOT分析(SWOT analysis) ——分析经营风险的方法。即对企业的优势(strengths)、弱点(weaknesses)、机会(opportunities)、威胁(threats)列表分析。 Z值(Z Score)——指对企业财务状况、破...
过度交易(Overtrading)——如果企业迅速扩张,而提供资金的长期资本不足,那么这时企业就是交易过度。过分依赖短期信用来支持企业运作。在高速成长的企业中,过度交易比较明显,如延迟付款、充分使用银行提供的透支信用额度。合并报表(Consolidated accounts)...
速动资产(Liquid assets) ——现金或能迅速转换为现金的资产。无信贷间隔天数(No Credit Interval—NCI)——测量流动性的另一个指标。无信贷间隔天数(NCI)就是假定企业不再继续销售产品,在用完现金之前,能够以...
A值模型(A-score model)——用少量关键指标衡量企业破产风险的模型。该模型既考虑到了财务指标,也考虑到了非财务指标。分析人员根据企业表现,为每一个指标打分,最后加 总所有分数,就得到该企业的A值。如果A值高于某一标准,说明企业的破产风险很高。另一种衡量企业破产风险...
BenchmarkA standard from which a comparison is made. FundingA process where money is obtained, usually from a bank, in order to be used in ...
Bank Account An arrangement between a bank and a customer, giving the customer access to certain banking services.Checking AccountAn account, which al...
CheckA check is a written order by an account holder to his bank to pay a certain sum of money to the payee. A check is not legal tender.Crossed Check...
Bank PanicA situation where depositors lose confidence in the banking system and withdraw all or a majority of their funds from the bank.Mutual FundsA...