Contracts is the body of law that by and large concerns voluntary agreements. Most people understand more or less what it means to enter into a contra...
taxpayer: I see. 税务局:如果住满1年但不超过5年,境外收入只就境内支付的部分征税。Tax official : any individual who has resided in china for more than one year but less than 5 years ...
我的境外收入纳税吗? Do I pay tax on my income sourced from Japan ?纳税人:我是日本ABC公司北京代表处首席代表。请问我在日本的收入在中国纳税吗?Taxpayer : excuse me ,I am the chief representative of...
Mr. Li: It could be exempt on the base of the amount actually happened. Nevertheless it is not considered reasonable that the money is paid every mont...
哪些补贴可以免税? Which kind of subsidy can be exempt from tax税务局:这里是涉外分局。Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau.布朗:我是ABC公司的乔治。布朗。我找李先生通话。Taxpayer: This...
A--Agent Lu Chen物业代理陈路 C--Client Mr. Roberts客户罗伯茨先生 A: Hi, sir. May I help you?先生,你好,我可以帮你吗? C: Yes, please. I am looking to lease an apartment.好的,麻烦你...
S: Here is the stamp duty for your reference.这是印花税表,给您参考。 B: Thank you. Let me write cheques for you.谢谢,我给你写支票。 S: Which is your mortgage loan bank?你们...
办妥了按揭贷款,请了律师,陈先生今天终于正式签订了买房合约。下面是他签约的过程: S--Solicitor Mr. White 律师怀特先生B--Client 1 Mr. Chen 客户一 陈先生C--Client 2 Mrs. Chen 客户二 陈太太 S: Good morning. Mr. a...
英文: Yulon group in China tieups with DaimlerChysler/Mitsubishi, Nissan/Renault Yulon group said it will tie up with DaimlerChrysler AG, the Mitsubishi...
The OECD is an international organization that developed from the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (EECD), which was created in 1948. T...