

分类: TOEIC托业英语 

back up v. to support; to solidify; to strengthen

backlash n. rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rear

backup n. copying of data for safety purposes; substitute; reserve; spare

badge n. tag; sign; identification tag

baggage n. luggage; cargo; things to take on a trip; equipment

balance n. leveling; harmony; stability; rest; remainder

balance v. to make equal

bank draft n. check

banknote n. bill; money made of paper issued by a bank

bankrupt adj. lacking; deficient; insolvent; unable to pay debts

bankrupt n. a person who was unable to repay their debts

bankrupt v. to ruin financially; to go bust; to go broke; to collapse

bankruptcy n. state of losing property to one's creditor s due to unpaid debts; inability to pay debts; insolvency

banquet n. celebration; feast; dinner; drinking

banquet v. to hold a party; to feast; to dine; to drink; to attend a banquet

barely adv. hardly; scarcely

bargain n. good deal; agreement; item that has been bought at a specially low price

bargain v. to negotiate; to arrive at an agreement

barren capital n. money which is not generating profit

barrier n. border; limit; obstacle; barricade

barter n. exchanging of goods and services; trade

barter v. to exchange goods and services

base adj. low; despicable; ignoble

base n. foundation; principal element; fundament; fundamental part

base v. to establish; to found; to set up; to place on

basis n. foundation; grounding

bearer n. person who holds a money order

behalf n. representing; in support of

behavior n. manner of acting; conduct

benchmark n. criterion; measure; point of reference for comparison

beneficent adj. kind; good

beneficial adj. advantageous; pleasurable; enjoyable

beneficiary n. one that receives a benefit; the recipient of funds, property, or other benefits, as from an insurance policy or will

benefit n. advantage; profit; aid; stipend

benefit v. to profit; to gain; to be advantageous

beverage n. drink; refreshment

beyond adv. past; further than

beyondprep. further; more distant

bias n. prejudice; tendency; leaning

bias v. to prejudice; to influence opinions

bill n. bank note; invoice; proposed law

bill v. to charge; to announce; to advertise

birth rate n. number of babies that are born per year per thousand (in a given area, group, etc.)

blame n. guilt; responsibility; liability

blame v. to accuse; to denounce

blanket n. bed covering; quilt

blanket v. to cover; to coat

blouse n. a woman's or child's loosely fitting shirt that extends to the waist or slightly below; a loosely fitting garment resembling a long shirt, worn especially by European workmen

blunder n. gross error; stupid mistake

blunder v. to make a stupid mistake; to move back and forth in a clumsy manner; to move blindly; to grope

board n. management committee (i.e.: board of directors); printed board which connects to a slot in a computer; food

board v. to accommodate; to house; to enter (a plane, ship, bus, etc.)

boast n. the act or an instance of bragging; a source of pride

boast v. to glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way

bond n. link; connection; obligation; grasp; certificate of debt

bond v. to store in a warehouse

bonded adj. secured in a warehouse

bonus n. dividend; perk; monetary gift

book v. to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate

bookcase n. shelves used to store books printed items

boom n. a time of economic prosperity; a sudden increase, as in popularity

boom v. to grow, develop, or progress rapidly; flourish

boost n. push; lift; incentive; encouragement; shove; raising

boost v. to raise; to push; to urge; to lift

border n. boundary; edge; limit

border v. to be adjacent to

bother n. effort; nuisance

bother v. to annoy; to harass; to worry; to make an effort; to be concerned

bothersome adj. annoying; irritating

bound adj. obligated; certain; fastened; tied

bound n. limit; border

bound v. to jump; to leap

brake n. device which is used to slow or stop a vehicle

brake v. to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle

branch n. affiliate; office; industry; trade; business unit

branch v. to fork; to divide into parts or sections

brand n. product manufactured by a company and given a specific name or mark; trademark; type; make; variety

brand v. to mark with an iron; to disgrace; to condemn

breadth n. width; broadness

breadwinner n. one whose earnings are the primary source of support for one's dependents

break down v. to fail; to collapse; to defeat; to overthrow; to descend

break n. fracture; pause; rest; intermission; crack; opportunity; alteration

break v. to smash into pieces; to shatter; to crack; to be smashed into pieces; to be cut off; to force into; to stop; to cancel

breakdown n. collapse; crash; incident

breakthrough n. progress; reaching a new level; removal of a barrier; penetration

brief adj. short; concise

brief n. abstract; summary; concise report; instructions

brief v. to make a summary; to give a report; to inform; to instruct somebody

briefcase n. small container for documents; tool for synchronizing files between two computers

briefing n. short meeting; summarizing; giving and receiving instructions; reporting

broadcast n. transmission; dispatch; radio program

broadcast v. to transmit over the radio; to publicize; to advertise

brochure n. leaflet; booklet; printed product information

broker n. middleman; agent who buys and sells property or shares etc. for other people

broker v. to act as a middleman; to buy and to sell property for other people

brokered adj. negotiated by an intermediary; settled through a middleman

broth n. the water in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been boiled; stock; a thin, clear soup based on stock, to which rice, barley, meat, or vegetables may be added

browse v. to leaf through a book; to peruse a book; to surf Internet websites; to search the Internet for information; to read through websites

browser n. program used for viewing websites on the Internet

bruise n. an injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations; an injury, especially to one's feelings

bruise v. to injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of (part of the body) without breaking the skin, as by a blow; to hurt, especially psychologically

budge v. to move; to be moved

budget n. financial framework; financial plan

budget v. to prepare a financial plan; to make financial arrangements

bulk adj. relating to or designed for the mass of people; large-scale; widespread; popular

bulk n. volume; mass; main part; most

bulk transfer n. the sale of all or most of a company's inventory or assets to another company

bulk v. to inflate; to play an important role

bullion n. bars of gold; bars of silver

buoyant adj. floating; light; lively; cheerful

business n. company; enterprise; trade; commerce; matter; issue; question

butcher n. person who cuts meat; meat cutter; meat slaughterer; owner of a meat shop

button n. switch; icon to click on

button v. to fasten with buttons; to be fastened with buttons


