

分类: FECT金融英语 
英文: 300 million pounds losses for England
The July 7 London bombings are set to wipe ?300million off Britain's turnover from foreign tourism this year and yesterday's attempted attacks will make it even worse, the industry has warned.

The Tourism Industry Emergency Response Group released research indicating that spending by overseas visitors may be 2 per cent below expectations for 2005.

As half of foreign travellers come to London that would represent a fall of ?150million for the capital.

The group met this morning to discuss the impact of terrorism on the industry, and said yesterday's attempted bombings would also have "serious implications" for tourism in London and the rest of the UK.

The second wave of bomb attacks reduced the number of shoppers in central London by more than a quarter compared with this time a year ago, it emerged today.

High street sales within the congestion charge zone had recovered to stand just 10.1 per cent down after the first explosions on July 7, according to retail tracking agency SPSL.

But the new blasts disrupted the transport network and planned shopping trips, with SPSL figures showing that 26.9 per cent fewer shoppers entered central London yesterday compared with a year ago.




