

分类: 自考英语 

Part One
I. 1. c a的错误是时态错,b语序错 d. 缺少助动词 2. a 这道题考的是分词独立结构的用法。b 的错误是两个句子之间没有连接词。C的错误是语态错,应该用被动语态。d的错误同b。 3.b 这道题考的是时态,时间状语从句的将来时应该用现在时来表达。所以其他三个答案都错。 4.a 这道题考的是虚拟语气的一些特殊表达方式。这句的条件句隐含在整个句子的意思里。b的错误是should have fallen的意思是应该跌倒而没有跌倒,意思不对。c与d的错误是主句的时态错。 5.a 这题考的是used to do的用法 b 与d 的am used to/was used to doing的意思是习惯做…, c的错误是used to do的do应该省略。 6.d 这题考的是倍数的用法。a的错误是冠词的位置不对。 b的错误是倍数three time应该是three times复数。C 的错误是冠词用错。 7.d regret doing ,其余三个都错。 8.b 这道题考的是分词独立结构的用法。a 与c 是句子,d 的错误是在分词独立结构与主句之间,不能用并列连词and。 9.c 这道题考的是分词的用法,分词作定语 a 是过去分词,具有被动含意。 c. being affected 的意思是正在被受影响 b 不定式作定语时,常与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,而且常用在一些名词后面,如:she usually has a lot of meeting to attend in the evenings.(动宾关系,opportunity, right, way, time, reason, effort, determination, decision, wish, intention等等名词后常跟不定式作定语。 10.b 这道题考的是强调句型 it is not until….that… 11. b 这道题考的是反意问句。 12.c unless---if not b. providing-如果,假如 d. on condition that 在……条件下 13.b a. realization 实现 b. insight 领悟 c. knowledge 知识,认识 d. vision 幻觉  14.d state of mind 精神状态 15.c make up your mind 下定决定 16.a raise wages 增加工资 17.a not so much…as…不是……而是……,与其……不如,甚至不 18.b all the way 从远道,自始自终, a. all the more 更加 c. all the same 一样 d. all the time 一直,始终  19.c be involved 卷入 a. included 包括 b. connected 后面接with d. concerned 关心,关注 20.d. refer to 提及,谈到 a. quoting 引用 b. calling 把……叫着 c. bringing up 提出(共讨论或注意) 21.d. succeed in… 在……成功 a. persist in…坚持…… b. achieve sth. 取得 c. manage sth 设法 22.a. living 生计 b. alive 活着的,在世的 c. lively 充满生气的 d. livable 可以活的,适合生活的 23.b formerly 以前, 从前 a. formally 正式地 c. early 早 d. firstly 首先 24.d one 代替a successful man a. person前要加冠词 a  25. b which half to believe 哪一半应该相信II.
 26. c go beyond 超出,越出 27. a as a whole整体,总体上 28. d comes from 来自 29. c which means..非限制性定语从句,关联词用which 30. a some 根据下文填some正确 31. b entire continent a. extensive 广博的,广大的 c. overall 全面的,包括一切的 d. enormous 巨大的 32. a another way to divide… b. means 手段,工具 c. habit 习惯 d. technique 技能 33. d the latter 后者 b. late 迟的,晚的 34. b studies how human beings… b. studies 研究 35. a act on each other act on 对……起作用 36. c neither branch 37. d were alike 虚拟语气用 were 38. d that …宾语从句连接词 39. d moreover c. nevertheless 然而,不过 d. moreover 此外,加之,再者 40. b looking at看(问题),看待,考虑III.
 41.b 这里的Aha 并不意味着真的叫起来,而是表示一种喜悦(上册第一课) 42.d putting the finishing touches 的意思是做最后的润饰,画基本上已完成了(上册第7课) 43.a makes a man out of a boy soon 的意思是help a boy mature quickly.(上册第10课) 44.d it was in her mind---in her opinion, she thought…(上册第13课) 45. d square sth…with sth.: to make tow ideas, facts, or situation agree or combine well with each other 这句话的英文解释应该是: Today's businessmen will find it hard to settle the conflict between his business interests and his moral principles. He has to choose between the two, and is compelled either to sacrifice his business interests for his moral principles or stick to his moral principles at the cost of his business interests.(上册第15课) 46. c. 这句话的英文解释是:… to understand the innermost feelings of another person---what he is thinking or feeling deep down-in other words, the pain or unhappiness he keeps to himself and to help him/her the best way you can.(下册第1课) 47. a (下册第6课) 48. c stand a chance of ---is possible to do, 这句话的英文解释是:I concluded from his reaction that with the information I have collected it is possible for me to design a bomb that could be exploded.(下册第8课) 49. d soaked-wet through with not a single sale to report---even not sell one copy 下册第12课) 50. a The age we live in offers little prospect of outward stability---we cannot expect the world we live in to remain unchanging… One of the characteristics of our age is that it is constantly changing.(下册第15课)Part Two
 51. a 第2段line 1-2 52. c 从整篇文章中推断出来 53. d 从整篇文章中可以推断出来 54. c 从整篇文章中可以推断出 55. b 从整篇文章中可以推断出 56. d a. b. c 都可以从第 1-2段找出相应的含义 57. b 从第3段 line3-4推断 58. c 从第5段 line3-4 推断 59. d we take part in all of life including death. 从这句中看出death 是life 的一部分,因此c不对。Not master of life的意思是无法控制,征服,掌握生命 60. a 从整篇文章中推断出来

V. 词形转换。将括号里提供的词转换成适当的词形填入答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. (10 points)
 61. Different from her ________ husband, she is actively involved in public affairs. (center, self)
 62. Money can be borrowed for one day or for many years. ________ loans are for a year or less. (short, term)
 63. Many people worshiped a number of gods. They thought that angry gods caused personal ________. ( fortune )
 64. The number of tigers in nature has greatly decreased. The ________ of wild tigers has become a serious problem. ( survive )
 65. The chief functions of live are to help the body digest and use food and to help ________the blood of wastes and poisons. ( pure )
 66. People make coats and other clothing from fur. They value fur for its beauty as well as for the ________ it provides. ( warm )
 67. Chicago has always been known as a city where ________ people could find good jobs. ( Industry )
 68. The first society to be established for the prevention of ________ to animals was founded in England in 1824. ( cruel )
 69. Bricks are strong, hard, and resistant to fire and ________ from the weather, so they have been used as a building material for thousands of years. ( damage )
 70. Colour-blind people can't make a ________ between colours. ( distinct )

V. 61. self-centered 合成形容词  62. Short-term 合成名词 63. misfortune 作宾语应该是名词,从意思上看是"不幸" 64. survival 冠词后面接名词 65.purify help do sth. 把形容词变成动词 66.warmth 冠词后面接名词 67.industrious 作people的定语,表示勤劳的,故改成 industrious 68.cruelty of 介词后面接名词 69.damage damage 的名词还是damage 70.distinction 冠词后面接名词

VI. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语,译文写在答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。)
 Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)
 71. 只要你感兴趣,你的课题是什么并不重要。
 72. 爱意味着对你所爱之人的人格的尊重。
 73. 除了一张办公桌和一张椅子之外,办公室空空荡荡。
 74. "我不该半途而废,放弃研究项目,"他后悔地说。
 75. 爱迪生不仅被看作是一个新时代的象征,而且还是新时代的开创者。

71.It hardly matters / it doen''t matter what the subject is, as long as it deeply interested you/ you are deeply interested in it. 72. Love means having respect for/respecting the dignity of the person you love. 73. Except for a desk and a chair, the office was/is empty. 74. He said in regret, "I should not give up the research project halfway." 75. Edison was looked upon /regarded not only as the symbol but also the creator of a new age. VII. 作文。根据所学的一篇课文,写出150字的短文。(本题共15分)
Write a short composition based on one of the texts you have learned in about 150 words.
Topic: Retell the story "The Model Millionaire" in about 150 words and conclude your retelling with a one-sentence comment.

Hughie Erskine was a charming and good-looking young man. He was not rich. To make a living, he had tried everything but had never made a success of any business he engaged in. He had to live on the 200 pounds a year an aunt gave him. He was in love with a nice girl called Laura Merton. Laura''s father made it clear to Hughie that he would not let his daughter marry him until Hughie got ten thousand pounds.Hughie had a kind heart. One day, he visited his artist friend when he was painting a poor old man in rags. He felt so sorry for the poor model that he gave him the only pound he had. With no money left, he had to walk home.It turned out the old model was actually a millionaire. He was surprised and touched by Hughie''s sympathy and kind-heartedness. When he heard about Hughie and Laura and their problem, he generously provided the required ten thousand pounds so that Hughie could marry the girl he loved. The couple was happily married, and the "beggar" attended their wedding.
Through the story the writer tries to say that a model millionaire is not one who has, but one who gives. Key points of the composition : 1. Hughie is kind-hearted. 2. He needs ten thousand pounds to marry the girl he loves. 3. He gives the only pound he has to the poor old model. 4. The model is a millionaire 5. He gives Hughie the money he needs to marry the girl 6. Conclusion: To be a model millionaire, one must be both willing to contribute to the welfare and happiness of others as well as able to give.

