

分类: FECT金融英语 
Fraud is a false representation of a past or existing fact, which is made to induce action on someone's part. If, in fact, a person reasonably relies upon this false representation, and that person is damaged by the fraud, than he or she may sue to recover damages. Should the representation have been made with the knowledge that it was false, and then punitive damages may be recovered. Fraud may also be involved when a person promises to do something in the future and does not follow through. To show fraud in this type of situation, it would have to be shown that the person never intended to do the act that was promised. The most common contract is when two parties promise to do something. It is a contract because each promise is based on the other's promise to pay or perform a service. Except for common day-to-day occurrences, it is always a good idea to have your contract in writing. Should a contract be broken, and you are successful in court, the law allows for the recovery of attorney's fees only if you provide for this in the contract or an applicable statute allows it. For more information about breach of contract, please consult an attorney.




1、fraud n



People who tell your future by means of a pack of cards are frauds. 用一叠纸牌为你占卜未来的人都是骗子。




What induced you to do such a foolish thing? 是什么引诱你做这样的傻事?

Nothing shall induce me to join their club. 我怎么都不会去加入他们的俱乐部。


illness induced by overwork工作过度而引起的疾病

Too much food induces sleepiness. 吃得过饱会产生睡意

3、punitive adj


punitive laws刑法


punitive taxes重税

4、occurrence occurr+ -ence n


an everyday occurrence 每天发生的事

5、applicable adj


The new law on the protection of the environments is applicable to everybody from next year.



This rule is not applicable to foreigners. 这项规定不适用于外国人。


6、statute n 成文法;法规;规章

