

分类: FECT金融英语 

    Chapter 4 Handling of Complaint Reporting


    Article 26 The following procedures shall be applied by administrative authorities at various levels in handling complaint reporting according to their functions and powers, and in consideration of the nature of the complaint reporting:


    (1) direct handling of those matters which should be handled by the relevant administrative authority or are within the authority of the administrative authority to handle according to law;


    (2) reporting the matter in due course to a higher administrative authority if it should be handled by that administrative authority according to law; and


    (3) Transferring the matter timely to another administrative authority if it should be handled by that administrative authority according to law.


    Article 27 Administrative authorities at various levels and their staffs shall be diligently perform their duties, and impartial in handling matters, obtain the truth, identify liabilities, make correct persuasions and duly, properly and correctly resolve matters. They shall not shift responsibilities to others or conduct their work in a delayed or perfunctory manner.第二十八条办理信访的工作人员与信访事项或者信访人有直接利害关系的,应当回避。

    Article 28 If a staff member engaged in handling complaint reporting has direct interests with a complaint reporting or concerning the complainant, he shall excuse himself from the handling of the complaint reporting.

    第二十九条行政机关及其工作人员在办理信访事项过程中,不得将检举、揭发、控告材料及有关情况透露或者转送给被检举、揭发、控告的人员和单位。Article 29 In handling complaint reporting matters, administrative authorities and their staffs shall not release or transfer any material concerning accusations, expositions or charges to the person or organization accused, exposed or charged.

    任何组织和个人不得压制、打击报复、迫害信访人。 No organization or individual shall suppress, retaliate against or persecute a complainant.

    第三十条各级行政机关直接办理的信访事项应当在30日内办理完毕,并视情况将办理结果答复信访人; Article 30 Within 30 days, administrative authorities at various levels shall resolve complaint reporting matters within its jurisdiction, and shall advise the concerned complainant of the result of the decision according to the circumstances.

    情况复杂的,时限可以适当延长。Under complicated circumstances, the prescribed period may be extended appropriately.

    第三十一条各级行政机关对交办的信访事项,应当自收到之日起90日内办结,并将办理结果报告交办机关; Article 31 Within 90 days, administrative authorities at various levels shall resolve complaint reporting matters which have been assigned to them and shall advise the administrative authority that originally assigned the matter of the result of the decision.

    不能按期办结的,应当向交办机关说明情况。If the matter cannot be resolved within the prescribed period, an explanation should be presented to the administrative authority which originally made the assignment.

    交办机关认为对交办的信访事项处理不当的,可以要求办理机关重新处理。 If the administrative authority which assigned the matter considers the decision of the matter is not proper, it may require re-handling by the administrative authority which handled the matter.

    第三十二条有关行政机关对转办的信访事项,应当自收到之日起90日内办结,并可以视情况向转办机关回复办理结果。Article 32 Within 90 days, the relevant administrative authority shall the complaint reporting matter which has been transferred to it and shall advise the administrative authority that originally transferred the result according to the circumstances.

    第三十三条信访人和有关单位对行政机关做出的信访事项处理决定,应当遵守、执行; Article 33 The complainant or the relevant units shall comply with and execute the decision that has been made by the relevant administrative authority.

    对处理决定不服的,除依照法律、行政法规的规定申请复议或者提起行政诉讼的外,可以自收到处理决定书之日30日内请求原办理机关复查。 If, within 30 days from receipt of the written decision, they are unsatisfied with the decision, they may request the original decision making administrative authority to review the decision unless an administrative reconsideration or an administrative lawsuit are provided for pursuant to laws or administrative regulations.

    原办理机关应当自收到复查请求之日起30日内提出复查意见,并予以答复。Within 30 days from receipt of the request for review of the decision The original administrative authority shall render its opinion and issue a reply.

    第三十四条对原办理机关的处理决定或者复查意见不服的,信访人可以自收到处理决定书或者复查意见书之日起30日内请求上一级行政机关复查,上一级行政机关应自收到复查请求之日起30日内提出复查意见。Article 34 If the complainant is unsatisfied with the decision or opinion upon review by the original administrative authority, he may appeal to the administrative authority at the next higher level for a review within 30 days from receipt of the written decision or the written opinions after review, and the latter shall propose opinions thereon within 30 days from receipt of the application for review.

    经复查,信访事项处理决定正确的,不再处理。 The matter shall not be dealt with if the original decision or opinion is correct.

    第三十五条行政机关发现本机关对信访事项的处理、复查确有错误的,应当重新处理。Article 35 Upon discovery of its own mistaken decision or review opinion on a complaint reporting matter, an administrative authority shall make necessary corrections.

    上级行政机关发现下级行政机关对信访事项的处理、复查确有错误的,有权直接处理或者责成下级行政机关重新处理。 Upon discovery of a mistake made by a lower administrative authority erred in the decision or review of a complaint reporting matter, a higher administrative authority shall have the power to take over the matter for decision or to instruct the lower administrative authority to make a new decision.

    第三十六条各级行政机关应当及时分析信访事项反映的社会情况和人民群众的愿望,提出建议,改进工作。 Article 36 Administrative authorities at various levels shall earnestly study the social implications and the wishes of the masses reflected in a complaint reporting and shall come up with suggestions for the improvement of work accordingly.

