

分类: 中学试题 

101. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will _____ in giving the class lectures.
   A. exchange    B. alter    C. shift    D. alternate

[答案]D. alternate.
[注释]alternate vt./vi. 轮流,交替发生或出现:Wet days alternate with fine days.(晴雨天交替更迭。)The weather today will alternate between fine and cloudy.(今天的天气将是晴间多云。)
shift般动,移动(vt.);转移到,迁移(vi.);改变:1)Lend me a hand to shift the piano, will you?(请帮个忙搬一下这台钢琴。) 2)They have shifted away from this area.(他们已从这一地区迁走了。) 3)The candidate is constantly shifting his opinion about the problem.(这位竞选者在这个问题上不断改变他的观点。)
exchange交换;exchange... for ... 用.......换......;alter(部分)修改。

102. Pack the cake in a strong box, or it might get _____ in the post.
   A. splashed    B. spilt    C. crushed    D. crashed

[答案]C. crushed.
[注释]crush压坏,压碎;弄皱;辗散;1)Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.(不要把这个盒子压坏了,里面有鲜花。) 2)Her dress was crushed.(她的衣服弄皱了。) 3)The machine crushes wheat grain to make floor.(这台机器把麦粒辗成面粉。)

103. The thief _____ the papers all over the room while he was searching.
   A. abandoned    B. vanished    C. scattered    D. deserted

[答案]C. scattered.
[注释]scatter(=throw or put in various directions, or here and there)撒。

104. Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical _____.
   A. facilities    B. appliances    C. instruments    D. equipment

[答案]B. appliances.
[注释]electric appliances电器用具,facilities公用设备。equipment设备,装备,是集合名词,指“设备”的总称,只有当数形式。instrument仪器。

105. The _____ of the trees in the water was very clear.
   A. mirror    B. sight    C. reflection    D. shadow

[答案]C. reflection.

106. One _____ needed when making a cake is flour; another is sugar.
   A. container    B. ingredient    C. content    D. equivalent

[答案]B. ingredient.

107. They have been waiting for many hours to see the singer, but the airplane must have been _____.
   A. behind the times    B. behind schedule
   C. ahead of time      D. in no time

[答案]B. behind schedule.
[注释]behind schedule(=late, behind time)晚点:The train is running behind schedule today.(=The train is not on time today.)behind the times(=using things not in style; still following old ways; old fashioned)过时,跟不上时代,落后:1)The store is behind the times.(=The store is old-fashioned; it looks as stores looked 40 years ago.) 2) Mary thinks her parents are behind the times because they still do the fox-trot and don't know any new dances.(=Mary's parents are old-fashioned in their dancings .) ahead of time提前: They have fulfilled their production plans ahead of time, in no time(=soon, quickly)立即,马上:I'll be back in no time to see you home.

108. Neither of them thought highly of him and they both tried to _____ him in his work.
   A. hamper    B. support    C. assist    D. encourage

[答案]A. hamper.
[注释]hamper(=hinder, prevent free movement or activity)阻碍:Lack of equipment is hampering our work.
Think highly of... 对...评价很高,认为......很好。

109. Her display of bad temper completely _____ the party.
   A. harmed    B. damaged    C. spoilt    D. hurt

[答案]C. spoilt.
[注释]spoil指出意指“使...... 扫兴,搞糟”,如:Quarrelling spoilt the picnic.(争吵使这次野餐弄得很扫兴。)hurt伤害,damage 损坏,harm危害,均不合题意。

110. We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son's illness had put him under great _____.
   A. emotion    B. excitement    C. crisis    D. stress

[答案]D. stress.   [注释]put sb. under(great) stress使某人处境(非常)紧张,使某人受(很大)压力。
111. The reference she made to her friend, the poet, was interesting but too _____ for anyone to appreciate.
   A. drastic    B. dull    C. obscure   D. distinct

[答案]C. obscure.
[注释]obscure(=not clearly seen or understood)模糊难懂得。drastic激烈的,严厉的;dull单调的;distinct清楚的,明显的;截然不同的(from)。

112. He _____ his engagement just before the wedding.
   A. broke out    B. broke away from
   C. broke off    D. broke up

[答案]C. broke off.
[注释]break off(=cease suddenly, discontinue)突然中断;break off one's engagement(解除婚约)。Break off(=interrupt) one's conversation(打断谈话)。Break out(=begin suddenly)爆发。Break away from摆脱,从......退出。

113. When she heard from the hospital that her father had died, she _____ into tears.
   A. burst    B. went    C. exploded    D. fell

[答案]A. burst
[注释]burst into tears放声大哭;又如:burst into thunderous cheers(发出雷呜般的欢呼);burst into laughing(捧腹大笑)。

114. Your help is _____ for the success of the project.
   A. indispensable    B. indicative
   C. inevitable       D. inherent

[答案]A. indispensable.
[注释]indispensable(to, for)不可缺少的,必需的。Indicative(of)指示的。Inevitable 不可避免的。Inherent固有的,内在的,天生的。

115. _____ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
   A. In spite of    B. But for    C. Because of    D. As for

[答案]B. But for
[注释]but for(=without, except for)若非,要不是:But for your help we could not have finished it in time.(要不是你的帮助,我们本来不会及时完工。)
116. It was difficult to guess what her _____ to the news would be.
   A. impression    B. comment    C. reaction    D. opinion

[答案]C. reaction.
[注释]reaction(to)对......的反应:Our reaction to a joke is to laugh.

117. Our attitude toward our teachers should be _____, but not slavish or superstitious.
   A. respectable    B. respected    C. respective    D. respectful

[答案]D. respectful.
[注释]respectable(=deserving respect)值得尊敬的,品行端正的。respectful(=showing respect to)有礼貌的,表示尊敬的。Respective各个的。respected尊敬的。Respecting prep.(=relating to; concerned with)关于,说到。

118. We could see that he was trying to _____ his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.
   A. run over    B. smooth over    C. pass off    D. turn down

[答案]B. smooth over.
[注释]smooth over(=make smooth, put right, balliate)使平息,使恢复正常的,掩饰:1)I will try to smooth their quarrel over.(我将设法平息他们的争吵。) 2)Don't try to smooth over your fault.(不要设法掩饰你的过错。)
run over 详见Ⅲ.145,146.注释;pass off详见Ⅲ.126.注释;turn down详见Ⅲ.180,181.注释.

119. Glemp's heroic flight into space entitled him _____ a place in history.
   A. for    B. with    C. to    D. of

[答案]C. to.
[注释]entitle sb. to sth.(=give a right to)给予权利: 1)He is entitled to special treatment because of his rank(由于他的级别他有权享受特殊待遇。) 2) Officers are entitled to travel first class.(军官们有权乘头等车旅行。)

120. He's _____ drink and never does a stroke of work.
   A. gone to    B. taken to    C. taken up    D. gone for

[答案]B. taken to.
[注释]take to养成(某种习惯)。A stroke of一件。本题译文:他以成了酒徒,从来没有干过一件工作。
121. "Who is responsible for sending out misinformation?"
         "Most of the fault lies _____ the administration."
   A. in    B. to    C. on    D. with

[答案]D. with.
[注释]lie with应由.......(承担责任);(作出决定等)得靠...... 1)The responsibility lies with the driver.(责任应由这个司机承担。) 2)It lies with you to accept or reject he the proposal.(接受还是拒绝这项建议由你决定。)
lie in在于: 1)The difficulty lies in their great poverty.(困难在于他们非常贫困。) 2)the solution lies in social and political reform.(解决方法在于社会政治改革。)

122. People who live in a small village are bound to see a good _____ of each other.
   A. sum    B. quantity    C. deal    D. amount

[答案]C. deal.
[注释]see a good deal of each other 经常见面。

123. Maria _____ missed the first train so as to travel on the same one as John.
   A. deliberately    B. intensively
   C. decisively      D. objectively

[答案]A. deliberately.
[注释]deliberately(=on purpose, intentionally)故意地;存心地。

124. They always kept on good _____ with their next-door neighbors for the children's sake.
   A. friendship    B. relations    C. intentions    D. terms

[答案]D. terms.
[注释]keep (be) on good terms with与......和睦相处。

125. Do you think a wife should _____ her habits and tastes to those of her husband?
   A. comply    B. confirm    C. consent    D. conform

[答案]D. conform.
[注释]conform vi遵守,符号:All the students must conform to the rules.(全体学生必须遵守规章。)conform sth. to sth. else(vt)使符合:He conformed the plans to the new specifications.(他使这些集合符合新规范。)      comply with遵守;confirm使坚定,确认,证实;consent (to)同意,赞同。
126. He was afraid that the branch might bend over and break, and he would be sent _____ to the ground.
   A. crashing    B. throwing    C. rushing    D. dropping

[答案]A. crashing.
[注释]crash(to the ground)猛跌(到地上)。Crash n.
常指飞机等的“失事”,如:He was killed in an aircraft crash.(他在飞机失事中丧生。)本句中用falling不妥,fall指“落下,掉下”,本身并不强调落下的速度,而crash使“猛跌”,故本题用crashing最佳。

127. High interest rates _____ people from borrowing money.
   A. discourage    B. decrease    C. disturb    D. disgust

[答案]A. discourage
[注释]discourage sb. from doing sth.使认为某事不值得做:Tht wet weather discouraged people from going to the sports meeting.(下雨天使人觉得不值得去看运动会。)

128. Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _____ standards.
   A. equivalent    B. uniform    C. alike    D. likely

[答案]A. equivalent.
[注释]equivalent相等的,相当的:He exchanged his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars. uniform 相同的,一样的。Likely adj.很可能的,有希望的。Alike(表语形容词)相同的,相象的。

129. The two things are the same in outward form but different _____.
   A. in addition    B. in brief    C. in common    D. in essence

[答案]D. in essence.
[注释]in essence本质上;in addition此外;in brief简短地,简言之;in common共同。

130. _____ it is a good thing I did not get the post I had applied for, though I must admit that I was disappointed at the time.
   A. By the way    B. In a way    C. In the way    D. In no way

[答案]B. In a way.
[注释]in a way(-to some extent)在某种程度上;in no way决不;by the way 顺便提一下;in the way 碍事。此题不能选by the way,因为by the way 做插入语其后应加逗号。
131. _____ inviting guests and not treating them properly!
   A. Strangely       B. Fantastically
   C. Surprisingly    D. Fancy

[答案]D. Fancy.
[注释]fancy doing 没想到.......竟然:1)Fancy your him!(没想到你竟然认识他!) 2)Fancy spending the day in here!(没想到竟在这里过了一天!)

132. With sufficient scientific information a manned trip to Mars should be _____.
   A. obtainable    B. potential    C. considerable    D. feasible

 [答案]D. feasible.

[注释]feasible(=that can be done)可行的,可做到的:1)Your plan sounds quite feasible.(你的计划听起来很可行。) 2)It's not feasible to make the trip in one day.(一天内要进行这次旅行是做不到的。)
133. The generation _____ makes it difficult for parents to understand their children's opinions.
   A. division    B. gap    C. separation    D. interval

[答案]B. gap.
[注释]generation gap 代沟。
division分,划分;separation分开;interval间隔,间隙;(幕间或工间)休息。at intervals 不时,时时

134. If the boy had _____ the dog alone it wouldn't have bitten him.
   A. set    B. left    C. had    D. put

[答案]B. left.
[注释]leave sb./sth. alone不惹,不管,不碰:Leave the box alone.(别碰那个盒子。)

135. They were so far away that I couldn't _____ their faces clearly.
   A. see through    B. make up    C. see off    D. make out

[答案]D. make out.
[注释]make out(=identify and see with effort or difficulty)辨认出。
see through参阅Ⅲ,151,注释:此处see through还可表示“看穿......(=understand the real meaning of or reason for; realize the falseness of)”: 1)The teacher saw through the boy's story of having to help at home. (=The teacher knew his story was not true; it was just an excuse.) 2) He can't fool her. She sees him through every time.
see off送行;make up构成,组成,拼凑;弥补,赔偿;化装,编造:1)编造:John made up the joke about the talking dog. 2)弥补:Bob must make up the work he missed. 3)凑足: We need one more to make up the dozen. 4)化装: The actors were making up when we arrived. 5)构成:Nine players make up a team.

136. Achieving a high degree of proficiency in English as a foreign language is not a mysterious _____  without scientific basis.
   A. process    B. practice    C. procedure    D. program

 [答案]A. process.
[注释]process(=connected series of actions, or series of operations) 过程:By what process is cloth made form wool?(经过什么过程羊毛织成呢料?)practice(=the doing of something of, performance or repeated exercise, etc.)实习,练习;开业: She is doing her practice at the piano.(她在练习弹钢琴。)procedure(=the regular order of doing things)程序:the usual procedure at a meeting(开会的通常程序)。Program(=plan of what is to be done or list of items or events)课程,计划,大纲:What is the program for tomorrow ?(明天上什么课?)

137. I must go now. _____, if you want that book I'll bring it next time.
   A. Incidentally    B. Accidentally
   C. Occasionally    D. Subsequently

[答案]A. Incidentally.
[注释]incidentally(=by the way)附带地,顺便:Fred said, incidentally, that he had no dinner.(顺便提一下,福来德那时说,他还没吃晚饭。)accidentally(=by chance)偶然地:I met with an old friend of mine accidentally last week.(上星期我偶然碰到一位老朋友。)occasionally (=from time to time, not regularly)不时地,偶尔:We get visitors here occasionally.(我们偶尔在此接游客。)subsequently(=afterwards, later) At first we thought we would go; but subsequently we learned we were needed at home.(起初,我们想离开;但随后我们得知家里需要我们。)

138. A completely new situation is likely to _____ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.
   A. arouse    B. rise    C. arise    D. abide

[答案]C. arise.
[注释]arise(=come into being, appear, happen)产生,发生:Difficulties will arise as we do the work.(我们做这项工作时将会发生困难。)
arouse 唤起,激起,唤醒;rise 上升;abide (by)遵守。

139. The illness from which Mary is suffering has now been _____ as hepatitis (肝炎).
   A. diagnosed    B. determined    C. deduced   D. discovered

[答案]A. diagnosed.
[注释]diagnose...as 把......诊断为......。

140. These continual _____ in temperature make it impossible to decide what to wear.
   A. alterations    B. vibrations    C. waves    D. fluctuations

[答案]D. fluctuations.   [注释]fluctuations波动;waves波浪;alterations(部分)改变,变更;vibrations(物理学上)振动。
141. All foreign visitors are requested to _____ with the regulations in this area.
   A. agree    B. comply    C. consent    D. conform

[答案]B. comply.
[注释]comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule, etc.)遵守:People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.(拒绝遵守法律者将受到惩罚。)conform(to)使一致,符合;conform to rules符合规则;conform to the customs of society(遵从社会习俗);consent to 同意,赞同;consent to a plan(赞同计划)。

142. Thomas Edison considered genius to be _____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
   A. composed of     B. constituted in
   C. consisted of    D. comprised in

[答案]A. composed of.
[注释]be composed of由......组成。Consist of由......组成,是不及物动词,不能用被动语态,故不合题意。

143. Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite _____.
   A. irregular     B. inevitable  
 C. incredible    D. irresistible

[答案] D. irresistible
[注释]irresistible不可抵抗的,诱人的,1)I had a irresistible desire to run away,2)I can't refuse this offer; it is irresistible.
Irregular 不规律的, 不合规则的:1)the trains from here are irregular.(这里发的火车是不规律的。) 2)These procedures are highly irregular.(这些程序是非常不合规矩的。)
incredible 不可避免的,不可信的:1)Old superstitions are incredible to educated people.(旧的迷信对受过教育的人来说是不可信的。)2)His story of rescuing six drowning men is incredible.(他说他救了6个溺水者,这是难以置信的。)
inevitable 不可避免的:1)Traffic delays are inevitable at a holiday weekend.(假日周末交通耽搁是难免的。)2)Pain is Inevitable when one breaks a bone.(骨折是疼痛是难避免的。)

144. In order to _____ the rising production costs, the subscription rates have been increased.
   A. add up to    B. look up to    C. cut short    D. keep up with

[答案]D. keep up with.
[注释] keep up with跟上。参阅。88注释。Add up to参阅.2注释;cut short 详见.38;look up to(=admire, respect)赞美,尊敬:We look up to the old workers as our teacher.(我们把这位老工人尊为我们的老师。)本题中rates意为“价格,费用”。

145. Your essay is quite good: just _____ it _____ with a few illustrations and quotations.
   A. put .. up     B. touch .. up
   C. cut .. out    D. write .. off

[答案]B. touch up.
[注释] touch up(=improve or perfect by small additional strokes or alterations)润色,修饰:1)The last part of the article needs to be touched up.(这篇文章的最后一部分需要润色。) 2)He touched up the picture by strengthening and shadows.(他把画修饰了一下,使光明部分和阴暗部分的对比度更鲜明。)
put up留宿;cut out 删掉;write off报销,勾消。

146. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _____ when judging my examination.
   A. regard    B. account    C. thought    D. observation

[答案]B. account.
[注释] take sth. into account(=consider)考虑到:We must take local conditions into accoutn.

147. There are three basic ways of _____ language to writing, and all known graphic systems use one or a combination of these.
   A. committing    B. attaching    C. comparing    D. relating

[答案]A. committing.
[注释] commit...to 托付,交付:1)He was committed to the care of his aunt.(他被托付给他的姨妈照管。) 2)I have already committed the rules to memory.(我早已记住这些规则了。)
commit sth. to writing(把......写下来)。

148. Roses are quite _____ flowers in English gardens.
   A. ordinary    B. common    C. usual    D. general

[答案]B. common.
[注释]common(=usual and ordinary; happening of found often and in many places)普通的;常见的;常常发生的;到处可见的:a common experience(普通的经历);a common tree(常见的树木)。This bird is common throughout Europe.(这种鸟在欧洲很常见。)They can treat most of the common diseases.(他们能治疗大多数常见病。)
usual(=done, found, used or existing most of the time) 经常的,通常的,惯例的,习以为常的;强调时间习惯方面,例如:This is the usual state of the house.(这房子里平常就是这种样子。)
ordinary正常的,普通的,正常的;an ordinary day(平凡的一天),ordinary people(普通人), a piece of ordinary dance music(一首普通的舞曲)。

149. American women were _____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
   A. ignored    B. refused    C. neglected    D. denied

[答案]D. denied.
[注释] deny 1)否认:A. He didn't deny the facts. B. They couldn't
deny that it was a serious blow to them. C. He denied having ever there.(他否认曾到过那里。) 2)(=say 'no' to a request; refuse to give sth. asked for or needed)不给予;Lots of people were denied the right to vote.(许多人被剥夺了选举权。)He denies his wife nothing.(他对他的妻子有求必应。)

150. On turning the corner, we saw the road _____ steeply.
   A. departing    B. decreasing    C. descending    D. depressing

[答案]C. descending.
[注释] descend(=come or go down)走下来;传下来:1)He descended from the top of the mountain. 2)Are men descended from apes?(人是不是猿的后代?)
depress 压抑,使沮丧。Depart出发,起程。

151. We can't _____ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.
   A. hope    B. wait    C. expect    D. imagine

 [答案]C. expert.
[注释]expert期望,盼望,表示认为有很大的客观可能性,例如:I expert the work to be finished by Friday.(我期望这项工作能在星期五前做完。)wait for ... to do sth.等待、等待......做......,强调“等”这一动词的本身,如:The audience are waiting eagerly for the performance to begin.(观众正等着演出开始。)本题如改为这样:I waited for him to arrive in time for dinner, but he didn't come.(我等他来赶上晚餐,但他没有来。)则句子使是对的。由此可见,expect是表示“期待”,而wait for 是表示“等待”,词义完全不同。
注意hope后不能接sb. to do sth.。imagine being on the moon. 3)I'm sorry, but I can't imagine anyone doing research like that.(很遗憾,我不能想象人家那样做实验。)

152. It was necessary to _____ the factory building as the company was doing more and more business.
   A. extend    B. increase    C. lengthen    D. magnify

[答案]A. extend.
[注释]本题中extend意为“扩大”。lengthen拉长,延长。magnify放大。 Spread vi. 传播;vt.展开;He spread butter on the toast.(他在烤面包上涂上奶油。)

153. I asked the tailor to make a small _____ to my trousers because they were too long.
   A. change    B. variation    C. revision    D. alteration

 [答案]D alteration.
[注释]alteration 修正,更改,尤指部分的改变。Change改变,变化,可指表面的、本质的、内在的变化。Revision修订、修正,常指文章、词典、剧本等的修改、订正。Variation(形式、位置、条件的)变化、改变、变动:We need some variation in our daily routine.(我们的例行公事需要作些变动。)

154. Because of the strong sun Mrs. William's new dining room curtains _____ from dark blue to gray within a year.
   A. faded    B. fainted    C. paled    D. diminished

[答案]A. faded.
[注释]fade vt/vi褪色。Faint晕到,变得虚弱:He fainted from hunger. Diminish vt./vi.减少:1)His illness diminished his strength. 2)The campers' food supply diminished as the days wore on.(随着日子的缓缓消逝,野营者的食品供应日益减少。)pale变苍白。

155. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _____, I can't speak too highly of him.
   A. As a result     B. By the way
   C. On the whole    D. In a word

[答案]D. In a word.
[注释]in a word(=in short)总之,简言之。

156. Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _____ a scientific theory.
   A. confirm    B. confine    C. conform    D. conceive

[答案]A. confirm.
[注释] confirm(=support; make certain; give proof of)证实,确实:1)Please confirm your telephone message in writing.(请把你电话中所说的话再用文字复述一篇。) 2)The king confirmed that the election would be on June 20th.(国王确认,这次选择将于六月二十日举行。)
confine...to把......限制于:Please confine your remarks to the subject we are talking about.(请把你的话限止于我们正在谈论的题目。)conform (to)使一致,符合,遵守。Conceive 1)想到,想出:He very quickly conceived a new plan.[注意]conceive of想象:They could not conceive of the possibility of failure.(他们不能想象失败的可能。)

157. Political parties often differ in their views on various _____ concerning their own countries.
   A. ways    B. measures    C. issues    D. patterns

 [答案]c. issues.
[注释]issue此处意为“重大问题”。measure措施,虽然填入本题也说得过去,但不够贴切。pattern模式,图案,图样。与题意不符,不能入选。way 方法,方式。

158. _____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.
   A. In spite of      B. On account of
   C. Regardless of    D. Instead of

[答案]B. On account of
[注释]on account of(=because of)由于,因为。regardless of(=without worrying about)不顾;Regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.

159. The lawyer was expected to _____ some proposals after reading all those documents.
   A. come up with    B. put up with
   C. look up to      D. keep up with

[答案]A. come up with.
[注释]come up with提出。参阅Ⅲ,33。注释。Put up with忍受;keep up with跟上,与......保持一致;look up to尊敬。

160. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _____ to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.
   A. occasionally    B. simultaneously
   C. eventually      D. directly

[答案]A. occasionally.
[注释]occasionally 偶尔。参阅IV。137注释。Simultaniously同时地;  directly直接

161. In my opinion, you can widen the _____ of these improvements through your active participation.
   A. dimension    B. volume    C. magnitude    D. scope

[答案]D. scope.
[注释]scope(=the area within the limits of a questions, subject ect. ; range)(活动)范围,机会,余地:The politics of a country would be outside the scope of a book for tourists.(一个国家的政治不属于旅游手册的内容范围之内。)

162. The noise was so _____ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.
   A. dim    B. soft    C. faint    D. gentle

[答案]c. faint.
[注释]faint(=weak, indistinct; not clear)“微弱的,模糊的,不清楚的”。Dim(=not bright, not clearly to be seen)不亮的,看不清的;the dim light of a candle(微弱的烛光)。

163. If he refuses to _____ my plan, I can probably find someone more cooperative.
   A. put up with     B. fall in with
   C. do away with    D. get along with

[答案]B. fall in with.
[注释]fall in with(=agree to)同意:Is it true that you have fallen in with them?(你真的同意他们的意见吗?)put up with忍受。do away with废除;杀死。get along with进行,进展;相处。

164. Some people either _____ avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.
   A. violently    B. sincerely    C. properly    D. deliberately

[答案]D. deliberately.
[注释]deliberately(=on purpose)故意地。Sincerely真诚地;violently强暴的,激烈的,暴力引起的。
properly 1)好好地,恰当地;She never makes any attempt to clean it properly.(她从来也不打算好好地把它擦干净。) 2)严格地:Properly speaking, a whale is not a fish.(严格地说,鲸鱼不是鱼。)

165. Her skirt had been so _____ in packing that she had to iron it before going out.
   A. faded    B. torn    C. dirty    D. crushed

[答案]D. crushed.

166. His landlady gave him a week's _____ to leave the flat.
   A. threat    B. notice    C. advice    D. caution

[答案]B. notice.
[注释]notice预先通知(尤用雇主、雇员或房东、房客之间):give one's employee a month's notice (通知雇员一个月后离职)。本题译文:他的女房东通知他一周后从套间搬走。

167. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, _____ at the other store.
   A. anyone    B. the others    C. that    D. the ones

[答案]D. the ones
[注释]代词one可以用来替代前面提到过的名词,以避免重复。如果它替代的名词是复数,则用ones。本题中它代替refrigerators;因特指,故用the ones.

168. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _____.
   A. average    B. ordinary    C. regular    D. normal

[答案]D. normal

169. With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is _____ rapidly transformed.
   A. anything but    B. more or less    C. at large    D. any more
[答案]B. more or less.
[注释]more or less 或多或少地;anything but根本不;at large大体上;逍遥法外;详细地。

170. The author of the report is well _____ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.
   A. acquainted    B. informed    C. enlightened    D. advised

[答案]A. acquainted.
[注释]be acquainted with熟悉,be well informed of(about)对......消息灵通。可见,此题中应用acquainted,因为后面地介词是with.

171. It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central _____ must be taken by scientists and technologists.
   A. process    B. attention    C. measure    D. part

[答案]D. part.
[注释]take part in参加。

172. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more _____.
   A. at length    B. at last    C. at stake    D. at ease

[答案]C. at stake.
[注释]at stake(=to be won or lost; risked, depending upon the result of sth.)在危险中;利害攸关;His life itself was at stake.(他的生命本身濒临危险。);  at last最终;at length详细地;at ease安详,自在,随便,不拘束:She knew he was not at ease.(她知道,他并不自在。)

173. When the big bills for mother's hospital care came, father was glad he had money in the bank to _____.
   A. fall short of    B. fall through
   C. fall back on     D. fall in with

[答案]C. fall back on.
[注释]fall back on求助于。参阅Ⅲ.48注释。
Fall short of没达到,低于:1)He fell short of what we had expected.(他没有达到我们的期望。) 2)The measures proposed fall far short of what is required.(所提出的这些措施远没达到需要的 目标。)
Fall in with与......一致,符合;同意,赞成,支持。
Fall through落空。参阅Ⅲ.49注释。

174. These plastic flowers look so _____ that many people think they are real.
   A. beautiful    B. natural    C. artificial    D. similar

[答案]B. natural.

175. The managing director promised that he would _____ me as soon as he had any further information.
   A. communicate    B. notice    C. notify    D. note

[答案]C. notify.
[注释]notify通知。Notice n.通知;v.注意到;note n.笔记;v.记下,摘下。

176. When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had _____ to visit London on business.
   A. opportunity    B. possibility    C. occasion    D. chance

 [答案]C. occasion
[注释] occasion 作可数名词时,意为“时机”,作不可数名词时,意为“必要”,本题中occasion意为“必要”。从句语法结构上看,本句中用opportunity(难得的)机会,chance(偶然的)机会均可,但按逻辑意思,应用occasion.

177. The most important _____ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.
   A. element    B. spot    C. sense    D. point

[答案]D. point.
[注释]point(=chief idea of sth. said, done, or planned)要点;论点,主旨:I don't see your point.(我不明白你的意思。)He said nothing to the point.(他说的不切题。)

178. It has always been the _____ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
   A. plan    B. campaign    C. procedure    D. policy

[答案]D. policy.

179. The climbers _____ their ambition by reaching the summit of the mountain.
   A. obtained    B. sustained    C. maintained    D. realized

[答案]D. realised.
[注释]realise sth. by doing sth. else通过做......来实现.......。

180. I remember her face but I cannot _____ where I met her.
   A. recall    B. remind    C. remember    D. remark

[答案]A. recall.
[注释]recall(=bring back to the mind)想起,回忆起:But I really cann't recall your name at his moment.
Remind sb. of ...使......想起:1)The photo reminds me of my late father.(这张照片使我想起已故的父亲。) 2)The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.
Remind sb. to sth.提醒......做......;Please remind me to write the letter.

181. He has left his book here on _____, so that you can read it.
   A. purpose    B. intention    C. aim    D. meaning

[答案]A. purpose.
[注释]on purpose是介词习语,意为“故意地”。如用intention,则应说by intention故意地。

182. The magician picked several persons from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.
   A. by accident    B. on occasion
   C. at random      D. on an average

[答案]C. at random.
[注释]at random(=without aim or purpose)随便地,胡乱地:His clothes were scattered about the room at random.
By accident意外地;on occasion偶尔;on an average平均计算。

183. The open university was started in order to help those who _____ having a university education when they were young.
   A. stopped    B. failed    C. missed    D. ceased

[答案]C. missed.
[注释]miss doing sth.没有做某事:I missed seeing the film when it was shown at school.(学校放映那部电影时,我没有能去看。)

184. His _____of the aeroplane was correct in every detail and could really fly.
   A. shape    B. pattern    C. design    D. model

[答案]D. model.

185. If you _____ your demand, then maybe you will have more chance of getting what you want.
   A. conduct    B. dismiss    C. grant    D. moderate

[答案]D. moderate.
[注释]moderate(=make or become less violent or extreme)节制,缓和,减轻。

186. Don't _____ the news to the public until we give you the go-ahead (许可,准许).
   A. release    B. discard    C. relieve    D. retain

[答案]A, release.
[注释]release(=allow news to be published)发布(新闻):Details of the scheme have not yet been released to the public.(这项计划的细节尚未向公众发布。)
relieve 1)减轻(痛苦,紧张情绪等):What will relieve a headache? This will help to relieve our hardship. 2)使放心,使宽慰:The good news relieved us, for we had been very anxious. 3)赈济,救济:The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims. 4)relieve...from(of)解除,免除; a. This medicine will help to relieve you from your pain. b. He was relieved of his duties.
retain(= keep; continue to have or hold)保持,继续保有:1)She retains a clear memory of her schooldays. 2)You must retain your tickets.
187. The storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause _____ of vegetables in the coming days.
   A. rarity    B. scarcity    C. invalidity    D. variety

 [答案]B. scarcity.
[注释]scarcity(=the state of being scarce)缺乏;不足(指原本充足之物暂时在数量上的缺乏)。例如:The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.(水果的供应不足是干旱所引起的。)rarity(=sth. uncommon, unusual or sth. valued because rare)珍稀,稀少:Snow is a rarity around the equator.(雪在赤道周围是罕见之物。)invalidity(=making weak by illness; not suitable for use)无效性,丧失工作能力。Variety(=difference of condition or quality)变化,多样化。

188. Jack almost fell off the cliff, but managed to _____ until help came.
   A. keep on    B. catch on    C. count on    D. hang on

[答案]D. hang on.
[注释]hang on(=hold fast, keep hold)牢牢抓住,抓紧不放:Help! I can't hang on much longer.(救命啊!我支持不住啦。)keep on(doing sth.)继续(做......);catch on 理解;count on 指望,依赖。

189. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to _____ healthy.
   A. preserve    B. stay    C. maintain    D. reserve

[答案]B. stay.
[注释]preserve, stay, maintain, reserve这4个词均有“保持”,“维持”之意。stay后可接形容词作表语:The weather stayed wet for three days.其他3个词均为及物动词。
Preserve(=keep safe from decay, risk, harm, danger, going bad etc.)保存,保护:1)Policemen preserve order in the streets.(警察在街上维持秩序。) 2)We must preserve our natural resources.(我们必须保护自然资源。)3)You paint woodwork to preserve it.(你油漆木制品以防腐烂。)
Maintain(=keep up)保持,维持,维修。
Reserve(=keep for a special purpose; store)保留,预定:1)I'll reserve my opinion at his time,(这时我将保留我的看法。) 2)I'll phone up today and reserve a room.(我今天将打电话预定一个房间。)

190. Expected noises are usually more _____ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
   A. manageable    B. controllable
   C. tolerable     D. perceivable

[答案]C. tolerable.
[注释]tolerable(=fairly good, not too bad)可忍受的:The pain has become tolerable. manageable可处理的;可管理的;controllable可控制的;perceivable可觉察的。

191. It isn't so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works _____.
   A. above all    B. in all    C. at all    D. after all

[答案]C. at all.
[注释]at all全然,真地(常用于肯定句中):If you do it at all, do it well.(你若真做,就得做好。)not...at all全不,毫不:He doesn't seem at all interested in my plane.(他似乎对我的计划毫无兴趣。)above all(=most important of all)最重要的。in all总计:We were fifteen in all.(我们总计15人。)after all毕竟,终究。

192. Mary had taken _____ to see that her guests had everything that they could possibly want.
   A. efforts    B. pains    C. attempts    D. endeavors

[答案]B. pains. 
[注释]take pains to do sth.下苦功夫做某事:I'm grateful because you have taken pains to show me how to do the work.

193. He ate what he could, and gave the _____ of the food to the birds.
   A. remain    B. uneaten    C. rest    D. part

[答案]C. reset
[注释]the rest (of)剩余部分,其余。remain作“剩余物”(=what is left)解时常用复数形式,如:the remains of a meal(残羹剩饭)。[ALI]《新英汉辞典》认为也可以用单数,可作参考。

194. The government placed _____ on the numbers of foreign cars that could be imported.
   A. limitations     B. restraint
   C. requirements    D. restrictions

[答案]D. restrictions.
[注释]restriction(可数名称)限制性规定:It is a club with rigid restrictions on its membership.
Limitation局限性,不足之处,不利之处(可数):1)I know my limitations.(我了解我的不足之处。) 2)Every from of art has its limitations.(每种艺术形式都有其局限性。)

195. We won't know whether it will be successful. We won't know whether there will be good _____.
   A. ends    B. results    C. effects    D. causes

[答案]B. results.
[注释]result意为“由某种活动或某种原因所产生的结果”,如:obtain(=get, attain, gain win, secure)good results(取得好结果),publish the results(公布成绩)。

196. No one imagined that the apparently _____ businessman was really a criminal.
   A. respectful    B. respectable    C. respective    D. respected

[答案]B. respectable.

197. At first the institute refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was _____ revised.
   A. occasionally    B. consequently
   C. successively    D. subsequently.

[答案]D. subsequently.

198. The speaker _____ several other subjects in the course of his talk but mostly kept himself to the main topic.
   A. held on    B. worked out    C. touched on    D. kept out of

[答案]C. touched on
[注释]touch on简单谈到。参阅Ⅲ.178注释。

199. Comrade Li Dazhao, _____ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.
   A. sometimes    B. sometime    C. some time    D. some times

[答案]B. sometime.
[注释]sometime(=former)过去的,以前的:Alice Brown, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher there.

200. Alice was very sorry to hear that her grandmother had _____ two days before.
   A. broken off    B. passed off
   C. given away    D. passed away

 [答案]D. passed away.
[注释]pass away(=die)死亡,是“死亡”的委婉语。
break off中断;give away给掉;泄露;pass off中止,中断。

