

分类: FECT金融英语 

华侨试验Inclining Experiment 倾度计Inclino Meter
所得税Income Tax 股份有限公司Incorporated Company
承受Incur 独立核算Independent Accounting
指示,读数Indication 单个的,个别的Individual
一式二份In Duplicate 告知Inform(Advise,Notify)
消息,情况Information 有益的Informative
初稳度Initial Stability 内底Inner Bottom
一式四份In Quadruplicate 查询Inquire
询盘(价)Inquiry 检验证明书Inspection Certificate
设备,装置Installation 绝缘仓Insulated Hold
说明书Instruction Manual 不足,不适当Insufficiency
保险,保险额Insurance 保险证书Insurance Certificate
保险单Insurance Policy 被保险人Insured
绝缘材料Insulating Material 绝缘试验Insulation Test
投保金额Insured Amount 保险人,承保人Insurer
国际讯号旗International Code of Signal 利益,利息Interest
有关各方Interested Parties 利率Interest Rate
国际货币基金International Monetary Fund 间隔Interval
检验项目Interventions Requested 一式三份In Triplicate
技术引进Introducing of Technology from Abroad 发票Invoice
不可撤消的Irrevoable 不可撤消信用证Irrevocable Letter of Credit
签发Issue(Issurance) 开(发)证银行Opening(Issuing) Bank
绳梯Jacob’s Ladder 合股公司,股份公司Joint Stock Company
法人Juridical Person 应急锚Jury Anchor
应急舵Jury Rudder 龙骨Keel
龙骨底吃水Keel Draft 龙骨线Keel Line
内龙骨Keelson 密切注意Keep a Close Water for
防潮Keep Away from Moisture 切勿受潮Keep Dry
节、厘/小时Knot 标签Label
劳务费Labour Service Charge 梯Ladder
女盥洗室Ladies Lavatory 卸下Landed (Discharged)
实卸件数Actual Landed 用驳船运Landed by Lighter
从…船上卸下Landed Ex m/s 卸下数量Quantity Landed
起货Landing 大量的Large Amts(Lquantities)of
块装较大Larger in Piece 大号Larger Size
最后的,耐久的Last 前面装过的货Last Cargo
前航次On the Last Voyages 上上个月The Month Before Last
以后Later 以后At Later Day
待以后通知To Be Advised Later 最新的,最迟的Latest
最迟At(the) Latest 装运期限,最迟装运期Latest Date of Shipment
艇Launch 洗衣室Laundry
盥洗室Lavatory 垂线间长度Length between Perpendiculars?L.B.P.
层厚,层Layer 重点厂Leading Factory
密封性检验Leakage Test 得知Learn
离开,留下Leave 吊上吊下Left on/Left off
举重力Lifting Capacity 诉讼费Legal Expenses
法定检验Legal Inspection 法币Legal Tender
总长Length Overall?L.O.A. 节省时 间Less Down Time
减去10%折扣Less 10%Discount 备忘录Letter of Intent
信用证Letter of Credit 保证书(函)Letter of Guarantee
抵押书Letter of Hypothecation 赔偿保证书Letter of Indemnity
债务Liabitities 责任Liability
盖Lid 救生艇Life Boat
救生圈Life Buoy 救生衣Life Jacket
救生圈Life Ring 举重装置Lifting Gear
灯Light 空载状态Light Condition
空载排水量Light Displacement 空载吃水Light Draft
驳船Lighter 驳船费Lighterage
舷窗Light Port 轻排水量Light Ship
空载水线Light Water Line 污水道Limber
污水道盖Limber Board 邮船,定期船Liner(Vessel)

有限公司Limited Company 规格齐全A Full Line of Specification
业务范围,主要业务Lines of Business 带缆船Liner
链环Link 清算,付清Liquidation
清单,横倾List 装载Load
装船前Before Loading 装船时 间Date/Loading
起运地Loading Port 贷款Loan
载荷Load 满载吃水Load Draught
载重标记Loading Mark 满载吃水线Load Line
满载吃水线证书Load Line Certificate 装货Loading
装货单Loading List 装货港Loading Port
当地市场惯例Local Usage 提出,住宿Lodge
室,库Locker 航海日志Log
航海日志Log Book 纵梁Longitudinal
纵仓壁Longitudinal Bulkhead 纵浮心Longitudinal Centre of Buoyancy?L.C.B.
纵漂心Longitudinal Centre of Floatation? L.C.F.
纵重心Longitudinal Centre of Gravity?L.C.G.
纵稳心Longitudinal Metacentre 盼早日答复Look Forward To Your Reply
丢失,损失(耗),亏短(率)Loss 下半部Lower Half
右下角Lower Right Corner 下甲板Lower Deck
底仓Lower Hold 下甲板仓,三层柜Lower Tween Deck
低潮Low Water 行李房Luggage Room
运木材船Lumber Carrier 总数(额,计)Lump Sum Charge
费用合计…A Lump Sum Rate of … 一次费用在内In Lump
一次总付Lump Sum Payment 自动仓盖Mac’gregor
机仓Machinery Room 军火房Magazine
处女航Maiden Voyage 邮件室Mail Room
主甲板Main Deck 主机Main Engine
主桅Main Mast 人孔Man Hole
挡水Manger Plate 信汇Mail Transfer
厂家Maker 常务董事Managing Director
载货清单Manifest 明显,边缘,盈余Margin
水险,海上保险Marine Insurance 唛头,标记Mark
合格标志Mark of Conformity 标明毛重Marked GR WT
标明皮重Marked Tare 标明重量Marked Weight
市场Market 桅Mast
船长Master 标准纸箱Master Carton
事故报告Master’s Report 桅脚Mast Housing
麻袋,赠脚垫,蒲包Mat 大付收据Mate’s Receipt
麻包装运Packed In Mat Bales 到期Maturity
平均吃水Mean Draught 总平均吃水Mean of Mean(Draft)
平均速率Mean Speed 载货容积Measurement Capacity
餐室Mess Room 稳定高度Metacentre Height
商品,货物Merchandise 符合…要求Meet…Requirement
口信,信息Message 稳心半径Metacentre Radius
中垂线Midperpandicular 船中Midship
船中剖面系数Midship Coefficient 船中剖面图Midiship Section
想法Mind 部优Ministry Prize
错误Mistake 误解Misunderstanding
后桅Mizzen Mast 模宽Molded Breadth
模深Molded Depth 模吃水Molded Draught
每纵倾一厘米力距Moment of Trim 1cm 停泊在…泊位Moor at Berth
系船装置Mooring Arrangement 导缆洞Mooring Hole
导缆孔Mooring Pipe 内燃机船Motor Vessel?M.V.
模宽Mould Breadth 模深Mould Depth
模吃水Mould Draught 抵押Mortgage
最惠国条款Most-favored-nation Clause 作相应的让步Make a Corresponding Move
菌状通风筒Mushroom Ventilator 互助(利)Mutual Assistance(Benefit)
船名Name of Vessel 自然通风Natural Draft(Ventilation)
船籍Nationality of Vessel 驾驶台Navigation Bridge
航海灯Navigation Lamp 净吨位Net Tonnage
协商,议付Negotiation 议付银行Negotiationg Bank

