

分类: FECT金融英语 
conference table 会议桌

conference telephone control board 会议电话主机

conference telephone device 会议电话装置

conference telephone subset 会议电话分机

conference telephone switch system 会议电话汇接机

confidential phone 保密电话机

confocal backscatter laser velocimeter 共焦反向散射激光测速仪

confocal resonator 共焦谐振器

confocal ruby laser 共焦红宝石激光器

conformal coating 保形涂层

confusion reflector 扰乱反射器

congealer 冷冻机

congelation point thermometer 测定凝固点用温度计

conger pike 海鳗

conglomerate mill 砾石破碎机

Congo cloth 康戈人纤布

Congo red 直接朱红

Congo 刚果红

congress canvas 刺绣十字布

conic antenna 锥形天线

conic ball mill 锥形球磨机

conic brake 锥形制动器

conic capacitor 锥形电容器

conic fine mill 锥形精磨机

conic mixer 锥式搅拌机

conic reamer 锥形铰刀

conic self-programming controller 二次曲线自编程控器

conical  mill 锥形球磨机

conical antenna 锥形天线

conical beaker 锥形烧杯

conical bearing 锥形轴承

conical bed 锥形床

conical bolt 锥形螺栓

conical breaker 锥形碎矿机

conical cam 锥形凸轮

conical cutter 圆锥形刀具

conical drum hoist 圆锥绞筒提升机

conical drum reversing concrete mixer 锥形反转出料混凝土搅拌机

conical dry blender 锥形干混器

conical expander 圆锥扩展器

conical fibre 圆锥形纤维

conical flask with ground-in glass stopper 带磨砂玻塞烧瓶

conical flask with stopper 带塞烧瓶

conical flask 锥形烧瓶

conical flow pump 锥流泵

conical friction clutch 锥形摩擦离合器

conical head bolt 锥头螺栓

conical head rivet 锥头铆钉

conical insulator 锥形绝缘子

conical mixer 圆锥形拌合机

conical mug 圆锥型杯

conical pendulum governor 锥摆调节器

conical pulley 锥形滑车

conical reamer 圆锥铰刀

conical refiner 锥形除砂器

conical roll 锥形滚筒

conical roller bearing 锥形滚柱轴承

conical roller centerless grinding machine 圆锥滚子无心磨床

conical roller 锥形滚轴

conical rotating screen 锥形转筒筛

conical spiral spring 锥形盘簧

conical spring 锥形弹簧

conical standard ground joint 锥型标准磨口接头

conical taper 锥形接续器

conical union 锥型活接头

conical valve 锥形阀

conical vessel 锥形容器

conimeter 测尘器

conjugate bi-component filament 共轭双组分长丝

conjugate fibre 共轭纤维

conjugated filament 共轭长丝

conjugated yarn 共轭丝

Conjulane 康久纶聚丙烯腈共轭短纤维

connaught cloth 康脑特布

connaught yarn 康脑特绒线

connecting bar 连杆

connecting bolt 连接螺栓

connecting cord 连接塞绳

connecting device 连接装置

connecting duct 连接导管

connecting flange 连接法兰

connecting key 连接键

connecting lever screw nut 连杆螺丝帽

connecting link 连杆

connecting nut 连接螺母

connecting piece 连接件

connecting pin 连接销

connecting pipe 连接管

connecting plate 连接板

connecting plug 接线塞子

connecting ring 连环

connecting rod balance 连杆天平

connecting rod bearing 连杆轴承

connecting rod bushing 连杆衬套

connecting rod cap 连杆盖

connecting rod fork 连杆叉

connecting rod gudgeon 连杆枢轴

connecting rod jaw 连杆钳嘴

connecting rod journal 连杆枢

connecting rod liner 连杆内衬

connecting rod link 连杆铰链

connecting rod pin 连杆销

connecting rod screw 连杆螺丝

connecting rod wrench 连杆扳手

connecting rod 连杆

connecting sleeve 连接套管

connecting strip 连接条

connecting tube 连接管

connecting wire 连接线

connection board 接线板

connection box 接线盒

connection cord 连接塞绳

connection cover cutting pliers 剥线钳

connection line 连接线

connection pin 连接销

connection strap 跨接条

connector board 连接器板

connector lug 接线头

connector plug 连接器插头

