

分类: FECT金融英语 
Shall we begin, ladies and gentlemen?   I believe you’ve all had a chance to read the minutes of our last meeting.   Shall we accept them as written?   I make a motion to accept them.   I second the motion.   All in favour?   We have a very full program ahead of us for the next two days.   I believe you all have a copy of agenda as copies of the various sectional and divisional reports.   These reports will give us the substances for our company’s annual report.   With your agreement, I propose to take each in turn starting with the Securities Department.   Now , it’s the Research and Development Department.   Since all the departments have made their reports, let’s discuss them and make a decision.   If there’s no objections, Mr. Hilton will proceed to outline the campaign.   I’d like to make a suggestion.   May I suggest that we proceed in order and take a look at the proposed campaign? 女士们,先生门,现在开会。   我想您们大家都看过了上次会议的记录。     能否通过会议记录?   我提议通过。   我附议。   都赞成吗?   以后两天的日程都排得满满的。     我想各位都拿到了一份日程表和各部门的报告。   这些文件我们提供了公司年终报告的材料。     如果大家同意的话,我提议一个部门接一个部门作报告,先从证券部开始。   接下来是研究开发部。   各部门都做了报告,下面我们来进行讨论,然后做决定。   如果大家没有异议的话,希尔顿先生接着概括地介绍广告活动的宣传计划。   我想提一个建议。   我提议是否可以按议事日程的先后顺序来办,先探讨一下有关宣传的方案建议书?

