

分类: PETS公共英语 

Text I

Much controversy(争论) has been caused by the publication of new report by Professor B. J.Martin. The report claims to have statistical evidence that children who attend a number of differentschools through their parents having to move around the country in search of work are more likely tohave low academic achievement. There are also indications of an unusually high rate of-psychological disturbances (骚动) among such children.

The professor, who has long suspected this negative effect on children, stresses that this is not simply an expression of prejudice. "It's true," he says. "My personal feeling is that children should stay in one school. However, our findings are based on research and not on any personal attitudes that my colleagues or I may have on the subject. "

Captain Thomas James, an Army lecturer and father of two, said: " As far as I'm concerned,
absolutely no harm is done to the education of children who change schools regularly-as long as they keep to the same system, as in our Army schools. Army children are as well-adjusted as any others, if not more so. What the professor does not appear to appreciate is the fact that in such situations children will adapt much better than adults.

When this was put to Professor Martin, he said that at no time had his report suggested that all such children were backward or disturbed in some way, but simply that there was a clear tendency in their experience. While the extremely bright child could cope with regular changes of schools without harming his or her general academic progress, the majority of children suffered from constantly having to enter a new learning environment.

46. The report mentioned in the first paragraph suggests that _________.
[ A ] children who move around the country with their parents are more capable
[ B] it may not be good for children to change schools too often
[ C ] parents are looking for a better school for their children ' s education
[ D ] more and more children are suffering from psychological problems

47. Professor Martin stated that _________.
[A] it was time we gave up our prejudice on the present educational system
[ B ] the report didn ' t show enough evidence to prove his former idea
[C] his findings were based on the evidence rather than on his own feeling
[D] he had an experience of moving around the country with his parents

48. Captain James' words mean that _________.
[A] his children were not affected by changing schools
[ B ] Army schools usually provide better education than other schools
[ C ] Army children are better adjusted than any others
[D] it's harmful to have children living with their parents all the time

49. The phrase "cope with" (Line 3, Para.4) most probably means _________.
[ A ] enjoy                              [ B ] neglect
[ C ] reduce                             [ D ] endure

50. According to Professor Martin, which children suffer most from changing schools constantly?
[A] The brightest.                       [B] The average.
[C] Those of below-average intelligence.   [D] Those from an army background.

Text 2

Books, even in this age of cheap literature, cost money? The shortage of paper, together with the high cost of living, has made books an expensive item in our list of requirements. This would mean that fewer people can afford to have them. Yet there are people who think nothing of spending money on a rich dinner, but don't like to spend the same sum on books. Therefore the time has come for a new public library policy to be introduced, for the higher the price of books the greater the need to give them the widest circulation possible.

The Hong Kong Government has set up Urban (城市的) Council Libraries and study rooms in
various districts. There is no doubt that when books are wisely selected, they have a great educational value, and have done much to encourage the habit of reading among the people.

For setting up libraries, some factors should be taken into consideration. In the first place, it is not enough to have just a building, equip it with shelves and fill them with books. The library building itself must be attractive in structure, desirable in atmosphere, and uncumbered in administration. Then secondly, there is the choice of suitable books to look into. This presents difficulties:

though most of the books are novels and most of the readers are novel-readers, moreover, reading fiction is quite a source of amusement and pleasure. Also, it is a means of broadening one' s mind and learning more about life and human being. Yet, there should always be a good selection of serious books-history, biography, travel, poetry and literature-which are appreciated by many readers.

51 . According to this passage, some people __________.
[ A ] give less consideration to books than food
[ B] can hardly afford time to read books
[ C ] know nothing about the value of education
[ D ] should have spent more money on daily needs

52. In this passage, the writer implies that _________.
[ A ] Urban Council Libraries need more funds for books
[ B ] properly selected books have a good educational value
[ C ] text books are usually more expensive than other books
[D] to be a good learner, one must read widely

53. The need for a wider circulation of books comes from _________.
[A] the educational system               [ B ] the increasing number of the readers
[ C ] the high price of books               [ D ] the new public library policy

54. According to the author, the difficulty in setting up a library lies in the fact that _________.
[ A ] there is a shortage of space and facilities
[ B ] serious books are not always available in book stores
[ C ] most readers take their interests only in novels
[D] it is not easy to select suitable books

55. The word "uncumbered" ( Line 3 , Para. 3 ) here most probably means _________.
[ A ] difficult                            [ B ] incomplete
[ C ] efficient                            [ D ] complicated

