

分类: 自考英语 

I. Supply the missing conclusion (20 points)
Study the following passage carefully and write a conclusion of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.

To some people, the thought of studying in the UK is a fantastic dream. The UK is famous for its excellent education system and is home to the world-renowned universities of Cambridge and Oxford. British universities attract a large number of students from all over the globe every year.
Since I came here, I have learned a lot not only in my course work, but also about life. In my opinion, the latter is more important.
Firstly, I began to love my country more than ever. The fact is that we know Western countries much better than Westerners know China. We always hold a modest and critical view of our country. Now I can see the prospects for China's future more clearly.
Secondly, studying in the UK has provided me with a opportunity to live independently and experience the hardships of life. I belong to the first generation of the one-child policy. Like many other Chinese children, I have become accustomed to living in a comfortable home full of the love of my parents and relatives. Studying in the UK has been the first time I have lived on my own. Since the cost of living is very high, I have come to realize that life would not be easy any more. I began to save money and pay more attention to my studies.
Every time I go to the supermarket, I usually compare the prices of goods, and then choose the cheapest ones. Most of us foreign students cook for ourselves. Lots of people say cooking is a subject they have taught themselves in the UK.
Thirdly, being a student in the UK has encouraged me to study harder. I think I owe that to the British education system. Every semester has three terms; and therefore, three sets of exams have to be taken in one year.
In addition, the final grades include examination results as well as scores from your personal or group reports and presentations. It is a dynamic procedure.

II. Write an outline (20 points)
Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” or“topic outline” for it.

Mistakes and Maturity
Parents and teachers repeatedly tell us to correct our errors. Meanwhile, our friends laugh at us when we make mistakes. With all these negative messages, most of us have a hard time believing that problems can be positive experiences. But if we take the time to think about what we have learned from various blunders, we will realize all the good that has come from these events. I know making mistakes can have positive results because I recently learned several valuable lessons from one unforgettable experience.
While I was travelling on the east coast last summer, I made the mistake of turning west on highway detour in an attempt to reach a coastal summer resort. This adventure took me into the center of an inland town, where I got totally lost, bewildered, and angry at myself. I had to ask for directions several times. It was not until many hours later that I finally found the correct highway toward the ocean. As I was driving out of town, I realized that although I had made a foolish mistake, I had actually learned a great deal. Overall, my adventure was quite positive.
First of all, from making this mistake I learned more about the geography of our country. I became directly acquainted with a town far away from my home, and yet this town greatly resembled my hometown in many ways. I also met some pleasant and friendly strangers, talked with then and learned about their customs. Looking at my confusion as a learning experience encouraged me to have positive feelings about the mistake.
As I relaxed and let this happy feeling grow, I came to another realization. I became aware of how important other people can be in turning a mistake into something positive. I was amazed by how supportive other people were during my panic and embarrassment. From an old man sitting on his front porch to an elementary school boy crossing the street with his bright red backpack, I found that the townspeople were entirely willing to help someone they did not even know. I realized that people in general are nicer than I had previously thought.
The final lesson I learned from making this mistake was how to be more cautious about my future decisions. This insight was the most positive part of the entire experience. I have learned to relax, not to be so bullheaded in my decisions in the future, and be more willing to listen to directions from other people. I might not have had these positive realizations if I had not made this mistake.
Thus, by this unforgettable experience, I developed a more comprehensive way looking at the world. Without such a mistake, I probably would not have had this chance to learn about my environment, improve my impressions of strangers, and reconsider the egocentric way in which I act in certain situations. Perhaps there is a lesson here for all of us. If we could pause after we make an error and ask how we can profit from this, we would realize that mistakes can often be turned into positive events that will help us become more confident and mature.

III. Composition (60 points)
Modern technology and industry have greatly improved our lives, yet they have also brought about environmental problems such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. Write an expository essay (about 300 words) on what we must do ,as an individual, a family, or a whole nation, to protect our environment.

