

分类: PETS公共英语  时间: 2023-12-06 13:22:30 


    According to government statistics,men of all social calsses in Britain visit pubs quite often,_1__ the kind of pub they go to may be different and their reasons for going there __2_,too.At present,they often take their wives or girlfriends,which _3__ to be the case.

    The fact is that the Typical English pub is changing,not only __4_ the licensing laws not being so strict as they __5_,but also because publicans are trying to _6__ away with the old Victorian _7__ of the pub and _8__ provide couples with an atmosphere where they can both feel happy.Pubs used not to open __9_ at certain time.The result was that they were usually _10__ with men who seemed to be drinking as much as possible in the time_11__.But the kind of pub is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

    Curiously enough,the old British licensing laws,which foreigners found so objectionable and absurd ,were_12___introduced as a_13___measure to stop workers drinking in the World War I.__14___,the strong puritanical _15__in Parliament took_16__of the law and_17__it.

    Opening hours are _18__ limited to eight hours a day,but publicans can now choose which hours _19__ them best.And nowadays you can even get a cup of coffee if you prefer __20_ beer.But in spite of this the Puritans would never dream of admitting that a pub could become a repeatable place.

1)    A  and           B though          C when      D as

2)    A  disagree       B diverge          C vary       D deviate

3)    A  used not       B not used         C used       D is used

4)    A  because       B because of       C as          D in that

5)    A  were          B are            C used        D had been

6)    A  take          B do             C keep        D go

7)    A  sight          B image         C appearance   D perception

8)    A  then          B instead         C further      D still

9)    A  except        B except for       C only        D only for

10)   A  covered       B crowed         C full         D plenty

11)   A  available     B proper           C probable     D accessible

12)   A  ordinarily    B generally         C originally     D formely

13)   A  perpetual    B temporary        C uniform       D temperate

14)  A  Nevertheless  B However         C Afterward      D Furthermore

15)   A  factor       B element          C component     D atom

16)   A  advantage   B profit            C use            D charge

17)   A  retained    B contained          C maintained     D protected

18)   A  even       B just               C but           D still

19)   A  suit         B match           C meet          D agree

20)   A  against      B for              C with          D to



