

分类: PETS公共英语  时间: 2023-12-06 13:00:17 
UNIT 1  Greetings and Introductions

Visit + or = visitor      advise + or = advisor 顾问,指导老师
Teach + er = teacher
Beg + ar = beggar 乞丐
Piano + ist = pianist 钢琴家,演奏家 science + ist = scientist 科学家   art + ist = artist 艺术家
Native speaker 讲本国语言
Spanish    n.&. adj. 人,Spain    国家
A marry B 不需加介词   get married to sb.         Marry beneath you  下嫁
Marry money = marry a rich man
Marry sb. Off to … 把某人嫁给某人
A divorce B 离婚
On a visa
What‘s the expiry / expiration of your visa?  Expire v. expiry / expiration n. 到期
Speed up 加速;slow down 慢点
Have a great sense of humor 很有幽默感  have a poor sense of direction 方向感很差
Sociable =good mixer 好交际
Be responsible for sth. &. It‘s sb’s responsibility to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任
Claim responsibility for sth. 为…负责 claim v. 要求,主张
Take / accept full responsibility for sth. 对什么负全责
Challenge n. challenging adj. 挑战的
Solve v. solution n. 解决
It‘s a deal! 就这样说定了! That’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!
Have  alone  adv.    一个人
Feel   lonely  adj.    孤单的
Walk  along   the street  沿着
Describe v. description n. describe sth. In detail 详细描述
Fellow worker 同事,工作伙伴;co-worker 合作者,同事
Wait for sth. &. Wait for sb. To do sth.
Lead sb. into = take  sb. Into 带领某人进入某地
Need to do sth. (need 行为v. + to ) 情态v. 不+ to
Sit down  =  take a seat  =  be seated  =  have a seat
Second name / family name  / last name
Be with sb.  和…一起
What do you do for a living? 做什么的?

