

分类: PETS公共英语  时间: 2023-12-06 13:00:17 
Develop a habit of doing sth. 养成…习惯
Space spacious 宽敞的
Be confident in sb. 对…人有信心
Have every / complete confidence in sb. 对…充满信心
Lack confidence  缺乏信心
Energy n. 能量 energetic adj. 精力充沛的
Behave yourself 行为乖点,规矩点
A well-behaved /perfectly child 表现好的孩子/
A poorly / badly child 表现不好的孩子
Be shocked to do sth. 被做的…事给震惊了
Discuss v. 后面不+介词 discuss sth. = take about
Discussion n.  have a discussion about
Be buried alive 被活埋 bury v. 埋葬

stay at home  呆家里
go out with 出去了/ 与某人交往
tell sb. About sth.
Have a good time = have a great fun 玩的很好/感觉很棒
Drive sb wild 使…人疯狂
Get along with sb. Very well 与…相处很好
Quarrel with 争吵
Fight with 打架
A good sister of hers 名词性物主代词 mine / theirs
Have a lot in common 有很多共同语言/共同点
Get together 聚会
A close friend 亲密朋友  a closest friend 最亲密的朋友
In the eyes of 在…眼中看来

for the first time
what do you think of sb. =what do you think doing sth.
Save up for sth …为…存钱
Pay sb. Back  还钱给…人

the age you are = your age
grow up 长大
be enough to do sth. 足够大,可以做…
go from … to  …从…变到/到… 介词from ,to 后面v. 需加ing
from being…to being…
boss sb. Around 指使…做…
between A and B
keep sth. +adj. &. Keep sb. +adj.  Keep your room neat /整洁的
think of sb. =  attitude toward dui  对…看法

