

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:55:09 

conspicuous adj. easy to notice; obvious; attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable

constant adj. continuous; firm; faithful; persistent; unbending; adamant

consternation n. a state of paralyzing dismay

constipation n. difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry hardened feces from the bowels; obstruction; stultification

constrain v. to compel; to force; to reinforce; to oblige; to coerce; to emphasis; to stress

constraint n. restriction; force; limitation; limit

construct v. to form by assembling or combining parts; build; to create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms

construction n. building; structure; the industry of erecting buildings; word combination

construe v. to interpret; to see; to perceive

consultancy n. advisership

consultant n. advisor (adviser); counselor; coach; person who gives professional advice

consume v. to eat or drink; to use up; to destroy

consumer n. buyer; client

consumption n. using up

contact n. link; connection; touch; interface

contact v. to establish communication; to make a connection; to link to; to connect with

contain v. to include; to hold back; to restrain; to keep under control

contemporary adj. modern; current

contemporary n. person living at about the same time as another person

content adj. satisfied; pleased

content n. substance; component; all that is inside of something

content v. to satisfy; to please; to meet a request

contest n. competition

contest v. to fight for; to challenge; to appeal

context n. connection; text (words, sentences and phrases) that surround a word or sentence; overall situation; background; situation

continue v. to go on; to keep doing something; to last; to perpetuate

continuity n. stability; consistency; continuousness; unbroken succession

continuous adj. successive; uninterrupted; permanent

contractor n. person or company that does a particular job or assignment

contrary adj. opposed

contrary adv. in opposition; against; counter

contrary n. something which is opposite

contrive v. to devise; to invent; to dream up; to design (often in a negative way)

convenience n. comfort; freedom from discomfort; fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement

convenient adj. comfortable; useful; serviceable

convention n. conference; routine; custom; treaty

conventional adj. customary; routine; formal

converge v. to meet; to assemble to gather; to get together

conversant adj. well-versed; proficient; skilled

conversation n. talk; dialogue; discussion; verbal exchange

convey v. to carry; to transport; to impart or to communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture or appearance

conveyance n. the act of transferring a property title from one person to another

conviction n. acknowledgement; strong persuasion or belief; condemnation

convince v. to persuade; to influence; to prove

cooperation n. collaboration; working together

coordinate adj. equal; equivalent; of equal rank or authority

coordinate n. reference point; geographical location

coordinate v. to arrange in proper order

cordially adv. in a friendly manner; warmly

corp. abbr. large company; firm; business

corporate adj. common; shared; collective

correlate v. to put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation; to establish or demonstrate as having a correlation

correlation n. mutual connection (between two or more things); similarity; parallel

corrupt adj. spoiled; immoral; dishonest; perverted

corrupt v. to cause to be dishonest; to pervert; to spoil

corruption n. dishonesty; immorality; decay; irregularity; unlawfulness; illegality

costly adj. of high price or value; expensive; entailing loss or sacrifice

council n. assembly; board; group of people (gathered to advise, plan, etc.)

counsel n. advice; person who gives advice; attorney; lawyer

counsel v. to advise; to instruct; to coach; to advocate

counter adv. against; in contrast to

counter n. bar; long flat; surface (in a restaurant, kitchen, etc.); counting device

counterprep. against; opposed

counter v. to oppose; to retaliate; to react; to strike back

counterbalance n. equal weight or power acting in opposition

counterbalance v. to act against; to oppose (with an equal weight, force etc.)

coupon n. printed form that entitles the holder to certain rights such as in a discount

courier n. messenger; person who carries a message or goes an errand; company that delivers messages, documents, parcels, etc.

court n. yard; law court; formal reception; are where basketball or tennis is played

court v. to seek to please; to flatter; to seek to gain the affections of someone

courteously adv. politely; respectfully; graciously

courtesy n. politeness; good manners; cordiality; civility

coverage n. survey; review; news reporting; insurance

crack v. to break or snap apart; to make a sharp snapping sound; to break without complete separation of parts; fissure

craft n. trade; skill; skillfulness (in doing or creating); occupation; boat; plane

craft v. to shape with skill

crafted adj. produced; made; manufactured

crave v. to have an intense desire for; to need urgently; require; to beg earnestly for; implore

create v. to produce; to design; to make; to manufacture

creative adj. inventive; innovative; artistic

creativity n. innovativeness; inventiveness; ability to create

credible adj. reliable; trustworthy; dependable

credit n. money (in a bank account), money (from a bank or other source); trust; confidence; importance; respect; points earned (through study)

credit risk n. the prospect that a bond issuer will fail to make required debt payments

credit v. to believe; to have faith in; to accept; to bring honor or recognition to; to supply goods by deferred payment; to give credit to

creditor n. person or organization that lends something; lender; loaner; moneylender

creep v. to move with the body close to the ground, as on hands and knees; to move stealthily or cautiously; to move or proceed very slowly

crew n. group of people working together; team

criterion n. standard against which something is measured; factor; discipline

critic n. one who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter; one who specializes especially professionally in the evaluation and appreciation of literary or artistic works

critical adj. judgmental; important; crucial; vital

criticism n. the act of criticizing, especially adversely; a critical comment or judgment; the practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works

criticize v. to disapprove; to censure; to find fault

critique n. a critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature; a critical discussion of a specified topic; the art of criticism

crop n. harvest; produce (Agriculture); group; whip; short haircut

crop v. to harvest; to cut short; to clip

crowd n. public; large group of people; gathering; large number of objects grouped together

crowd v. to gather together; to group together; to press in

crowded adj. full; packed; crammed together

crucial adj. very important; critical; decisive; vital

cruise n. traveling on a ship; sea voyage; sailing

cruise v. to sail; to move at a moderate speed; to travel; to coast; to drive along slowly

crux n. heart of the matter; main point

cuisine n. style of cooking; national food

culminate v. to reach the highest point or degree; climax; to come to completion; end

curb v. to check, restrain, or control as if with a curb; rein in

cure n. method or course that restores health; prescribed treatment for an illness

cure v. to restore to health; to make well; to correct a bad habit; to preserve food

curfew n. a regulation requiring certain or all people to leave the streets or be at home at a prescribed hour; the time at which such a restriction begins or is in effect

curious adj. inquisitive; desiring to know and understand; odd; strange; rare

currency n. national money of a country; circulation; custom; prevalence

current adj. recent; common; prevalent; present; popular

current n. flow (of water, electricity, etc.); process; tendency; direction

curt adj. brief; blunt; rude

curtly adv. briefly; bluntly; rudely

cushion n. pillow; soft padded object

cushion v. to reduce; to protect; to soften; to upholster

custom n. habit; tradition; convention

customer n. client; buyer; person who buys a product or service

customize v. to make or to fit according to individual needs or desires; to personalize; to individualize

customs n. place where goods and baggage are examined on entering a country; government department responsible for collecting taxes on imports

cutback n. reduction; curtailing; decrease

