

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:55:02 

reference n. comment; remark; ascription; relation; mention; allusion; regard; note that directs a reader to another source of information; supporting evidence taken from another book or publication

reference v. to add a footnote; to place a note that directs readers to another source of information (in a book, journal, etc.)

reflect v. to mirror; to send back a mirror image; to send back energy from a surface; to send back; to cause to return; to express; to give a particular impression; to contemplate; to think

reflection n. act of casting back a mirror image; act of sending back energy from a surface; state of being reflected; image that is reflected; idea, concept; thought, notion; act of placing blame, accusation

refrain from v. to hold oneself back; forbear

refund n. return of money; repayment; reimbursement

refund v. to return money; to reimburse; to repay; to provide new funds; to finance again

refurbish v. to make new again; to renovate; to restore to good condition

refusal n. denial; rejection

refuse n. garbage; trash; waste

refuse v. to decline; to deny; to reject

refute v. to prove to be false or erroneous; overthrow by argument or proof; to deny the accuracy or truth of

regard n. esteem; respect; thought; consideration; look; glance; outward appearance; reference; relation; care; attention

regard v. to gaze at; to look at; to concern; to relate to; to esteem; to appreciate; to consider; to pay heed to; to take notice; to pay attention

regardingprep. with relation to

regardless adj. inattentive; unmindful

regardless adv. without consideration for possible problems; without regard to potential difficulties; anyway; in any case

regress v. to move backward; to go back; to go back to a former state; to return to a previous condition

regular adj. occurring at fixed intervals; normal; usual; ordinary; common

regularly adv. at fixed intervals; at evenly-spaced intervals; usually; customarily

regulate v. to control; to govern; to manage; to adjust to a specific level or condition

regulations n. statute; law; act of controlling; management; direction; state of being controlled; state of being managed

rehearsal n. practice session for a performance

rehearse v. to drill; to practice an action repeatedly in order to perfect it

reimburse v. to repay; to refund; to compensate for a loss; to repay for an expense

reimbursement n. act of paying back; repayment; compensation for a loss; repayment for an expense

reinforce v. to strengthen; to fortify; to support; to increase; to provide a reward or punishment in order to encourage or discourage a particular response (Psychology)

reinforcement n. act of strengthening, reward or punishment designed to encourage or discourage a particular response

reiterate v. to repeat; to say again; to restate

reject n. something or someone that does not match up to standards; object of lower quality

reject v. to decline; to deny; to turn down

relate v. to narrate; to tell; to make a connection between; to have a connection with; to have a good relationship with

relation n. narration; act of telling; kinsman; family member; connection; association; connection between two persons; relationship

relationship n. emotional connection that exists between two people; connection; association; closeness; kinship

release n. freedom; liberation; newly distributed film (or record, book, etc.); press release; statement provided to the media

release v. to set free; to liberate; to emancipate; to loosen a hold; to unfasten; to make available to the general public; to surrender; to give up (Law)

relevant adj. pertinent; related; connected to the current subject

reliable adj. credible; trustworthy; dependable

relief n. easement; alleviation; liberation; support provided to the needy; embossment; sculpture in which the forms project outward from the surface; aid; assistance

relieve v. to cause a lessening or alleviation of; to free from pain, anxiety, or distress; to furnish assistance or aid to; to rescue from siege

relinquish v. to cede; to surrender; to give up; to forsake; to abandon

relocate v. to move to a different apartment; to move to a different place; to change the location of something

reluctant adj. unwilling; disinclined; exhibiting or marked by unwillingness; offering resistance; opposing

rely v. to depend on; to trust in

remain v. to stay; to abide; to continue; to go on

remark n. comment; observation; notice

remark v. to notice; to observe; to comment; to state; to say

remarkable adj. striking; noteworthy; extraordinary; exceptional

remind v. to cause to remember

remit n. act of forgiving; discharging; dispatching

remit v. to forgive; to absolve; to release; to discharge; to abate; to relax; to slacken; to send; to dispatch

