

分类: TOEFL托福英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:55:02 

resource n. supply; stock; means of accomplishing a goal; expedient; ability to deal effectively with various situations

respective adj.relating to two or more persons or things regarded individually; particular

respond v. to answer; to reply; to react

response n. reply; answer; reaction

responsible adj. dependable; reliable; accountable; liable

responsive adj. answering; reacting (esp. positively or sympathetically); characterized by singing or reading in alternation

restitution n.the act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered; the act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury; indemnification

restore v. to bring back into existence or use; reestablish; to bring back to an original condition; to make restitution of; give back

restriction n. limitation; limit

resume n. summary, synopsis; abstract; CV; curriculum vitae

resume v. to recommence; to begin again; to retake; to take back; to continue; to go on

retail adj. pertaining to the sale of goods to final consumers; of the sale of merchandise to end users

retail n. sale of products to final consumers, sale of goods to end users

retailer n. person or business that sells goods to final consumers; person or company that sells merchandise to end users (consumers)

retain v. to maintain possession of; to keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position; to keep in mind; remember

reticent adj. keeping quiet; reserved; showing self-restraint

retire v. to withdraw from a position (usually due to old age); go into seclusion; to withdraw; to remove oneself from a particular situation; to go to bed

retirement n. withdrawal from one's job or occupation

retreat n. the act or process of withdrawing, especially from something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant; the process of going backward or receding from a position or condition gained; withdrawal of a military force from a dangerous position or from an enemy attack

retreat v. to fall or draw back; withdraw or retire

retrench v. to cut down; reduce; to remove, delete, or omit

retrieval n. act of bringing back; restoration; act of finding information and sending it to the user as output

retrieve v. to recover; to regain; to bring back; to fetch; to find and bring back; to rescue; to save; to find information and display it as output (Computers)

reveal v. to show; to exhibit; to display; to expose; to disclose; to make public

revenue n. income; return; gains; government income earned through taxation; government agency that collects tax monies; source of income

revere v. to respect deeply; to honor greatly

reverse adj. having the back side exposed to view; opposite; contrary; moving or behaving in a manner opposite to the norm

reverse n. opposite; contrary; back side; rear; setback; misfortune; defeat; gear or mechanism that drives movement in a direction opposite to the normal direction; area printed with a light design on a dark background (Printing)

revise n. act of making changes; alteration; proof sheet made to verify changes made and check for additional errors

revise v. to make changes in order to improve something; to edit; to correct; to produce an updated or corrected version

revive v. to resuscitate; to bring back to life; to put into action again

revolve v. to rotate; to turn; to spin; to encircle; to move in a circle around a central point; to think about; to contemplate

ribbon n.a narrow strip or band of fine fabric, such as satin or velvet, finished at the edges and used for trimming, tying, or finishing

rigorous adj. harsh; strict; severe; exact; precise; strictly accurate

rival adj. being in competition, contending

rival n. competitor, opponent, contender

rivalry n. competition; contention; act of competing

roast v. to cook with dry heat, as in an oven or near hot coals; to dry, brown, or parch by exposing to heat; to expose to great or excessive heat

robe n. a long loose flowing outer garment

robust adj. strong; healthy

rotten adj. decayed; decomposed; putrid; spoiled; extremely bad; very unpleasant; despicable

route n. track, path; customary series of stops during a trip; path taken by a data package sent from one point on the Internet to another (Computers)

route v. to direct along a particular path; to mark a route; to chart a course

routine adj. commonplace; ordinary; usual; customary; habitual

routine n. commonplace activity; everyday task; habit; custom; practice; procedure that is always the same; part of a computer program containing instructions for a particular task (Computers)

royalties n. sovereignty; royal status or power; kingdom; domain; realm; member of a royal family; percentage of profits paid to an artist for each copy of his work that is sold

rural adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of the country; of or relating to people who live in the country; of or relating to farming; agricultural

