

分类: TOEFL托福英语 


 1.     Mark proved to be a very competent manager.

2.     To be prudent is what a lawyer should do all the time.

3.     I have two optional ways to apply for calling of my cell. One is online auto operation, one is call 12530.

4.     The chance of her coming to his party draws close proximity to one is a thousand.

5.     Anxiety was a sign when people was drop in trouble.


 1: If you practice keyboarding every day, (then) you will become more proficient at data entry.

 proficient: _______________

 A1:  Practicing a skill or activity usually helps someone improve that skill. To become more proficient, then, means to become more skilled or better able.

 2: If you do not write more clearly, (then) your ideas will need further clarification.

clarification: _______________

A2:  When ideas are not expressed in a way that is understandable, they need more explanation. Clarification is making something more clear or understandable.

 3: When you remit payment, (then) the collection agency will stop sending you the overdue notices.

 remit: _______________

A3:  A collection agency sends letters and overdue notices when a bill has not been paid. The agency stops sending the notices when the payment is sent. To remit means to send and usually refers to sending payment.

