

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:52:54 

2. 地点状语从句

Where there is a will,there is a way. She painted wherever she happened to be.从属连词还能与any,no,every等一起构成复合句,引导地点状语从句。如:
Everywhere you go,you will be warmly welcomed.

3. 方式状语从句

引导方式状语从句的连词有as,as if,as though等,从句通常位于主句之后,如:
He had never blushed as she blushed then.(as作“按照”或“像”解。)
as if和as though都做“好象”解,两者可以互换,从句既可用陈述语气(表示可能符合事实的情况),又可用虚拟语气(表示与事实不符的情况),如:
I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. His mother loves me as if / as though I were her daughter.

4. 条件状语从句

引导条件状语从句的连词有:if,unless,as / so long as,suppose (that),supposing (that),in case,when等。条件状语从句可以分为真实条件状语从句和非真实条件状语从句。

If you heat ice,it melts. If it rained,I went by bus. unless引导的否定条件状语从句,在意义上相当于if…not,如:
Don‘t come unless I telephone. as / so long as,provided / providing (that)意为“只要、如果”,如:
You can borrow this pen as long as you can keep it well. in case在英国英语中表示目的,在美国英语中可表示条件,意为“如果、万一”,如:
In case the house burns down,we‘ll get the insurance money.



引导让步状语从句的连词有:although,though,even if,even though,if,for all that,when,while,whether…or,whatever,no matter what等。
They are generous though they are poor. Although he was Japanese,he spent most of his life in China. even if
和even though都作“即使”解,两者可以互换使用,如:
She insisted on her own opinion even though / even if he was wrong. if作“即使、虽然”解,也表示让步,如:
If he is wrong,he is honest. whether…or作“不论……是否”或“不论……还是”解,如:
You don‘t have to worry me whether I am well or ill.为了强调让步意义,在正式文体或文学作品中,常用as引导让步从句,从句的补语或状语置于句首。如:
Tall as he was,he couldn‘t reach the top of the shelf. Strong as you may be,you cannot lift it.词尾为-ever的wh-词可以与“no matter wh-词”互换使用,作“无论……”解,后者常用于口语中,如:
Whoever / No matter who rings,tell him I‘m out. Wherever / No matter where he is,he will be thinking of you.由whenever,wherever,however引导的从句,也可以分别看作时 间状语从句、地点状语从句和方式状语从句。把它们当作让步状语从句是因为它们常有no matter when (where,how)的含义。


原因状语从句通常由because,since,as,when now (that),seeing (that),considering (that)等引导。
because的语势最强,其次是since,再次是as. because可以回答why引导的特殊问句,而since和as不能。
We pardoned him only because he was still young. for表示原因时,作“因为”解,多用于正式文体,有时可以与because换用,但for从句只能置于主句之后。如:
She didn‘t go to school,for / because she was ill. now (that)和seeing (that)都作“既然”解,通常可与since或as换用,如:
Now (that) you have come,you may as well stay. Seeing (that) he is inexperienced,he is not fit for the work.

7. 结果状语从句

引导结果状语从句的连词有:so that,so…that,such that,such…that,that等。
当从句前面有逗号时,so that中that可省略,如:
It was dark,so (that) we could see nothing in front of us.“So 形容词 / 副词 that”是引导结果状语从句的常用结构,如:
He talked so loud that he annoyed the speaker. He was so brilliant that he made a lot of inventions.“such (a) 形容词 名词 that”与“so…that”的意义相同,如:
It was such a hot day that people could not go out. He painted such beautiful pictures that the visitors were lost in admiration. that可以单独引导结果状语从句,如:
The question is of great importance that it cannot be neglected.

8. 目的状语从句

引导目的状语从句的连词有:in order that,so that,so,that,in case,for fear that,lest等。
in order that与so that的意义和用法基本相同,in order that多用于正式文体,常表示经过认真考虑的目的,如:
In order that he would have more space for painting,he bought a big house. You ought to write to him,in order that he won‘t feel we are hiding things from him. So和that可视为so that的省略形式,但不如so that常用,如:
Bring it closer so / that I may see it better. for fear that,in case和lest都表示否定的目的,相当于so that…not或in order that…not,作“以免、以防”解。
He wrote the name down for fear that he should forget it . lest限于正式文体,它所引导的从句中的谓语动词多用should be型或be型虚拟形式,如:
He hid the box lest it (should) be stolen. in case引导的从句谓语既可以用虚拟形式,又可用陈述语气,如:
Better take more clothes in case it is cold. She doesn‘t dare to go out in case she is recognized / (should) be recognized.

