

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:52:08 


1.  takes control of:掌管,负责掌握

2.  difficulty breathing ( = difficulty in breathing ):呼吸困难

3.  have no idea of/as to:没有…概念,不知道

4.  panic disorder:惊恐性障碍,急性焦虑症

5.  National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):国立精神卫生研究所 

6.  American Psychological Association (APA):美国心理学协会

7.  Some people who suffer a panic attack develop a phobia, a deep fear of ever repeating the activity that brought on the attack.  有些患有恐慌症发作的人会产生极度的恐惧感,也就是极度害怕在什么时候会重复那种引起他们出现恐慌症发作的事情。panic attack:恐慌发作,焦虑发作。bring sth. on / bring on sth.:引起,导致,促成。本句中a deep fear是a phobia的同位语。 

8.  calm down:平静下来 

9.  Panic disorder is included among what mental health professionals call anxiety disorders.  惊恐性障碍包括在精神卫生专业人员称之为焦虑症中。anxiety disorder:焦虑症。

10.  Archives of Internal Medicine:内科档案


1.  All of the following may be symptoms of panic disorder EXCEPT ________.

A)  sweaty hands

B)  difficulty breathing

C)  lightheaded feeling

D)  low blood pressure

2.  How many Americans are likely to suffer panic disorder every year according to NIMH?

A)  1,800,000.

B)  2,500,000

C)  Above 2,000,000.

D)  Under 2,000,000.

3.  The probability for American females to be affected by panic disorder is ________ that for American males.

    A)  two times as much as

    B)  three times as much as

    C)  three times more than

    D)  one time more than

4.  Which of the following spots is most likely to cause drivers to suffer panic disorder according to the passage author?

    A)  The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

    B)  The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland.

    C)  The Empire State Building in New York.

    D)  The Niagara Falls in North America.

5.  According to a study, all of the following diseases may be associated with anxiety disorder EXCEPT ________.

    A)  cancer diseases

    B)  allergic conditions

    C)  thyroid problems

    D)  lung and stomach troubles


1.  D  第一段后半部已经列出了包括有A、B、C三个选项的各种症状(还包括有fast heartbeat),就是没有D项(高血压)。

2.  C  第二段第一句说到more than two million,C项的above与more than同义,其它各项均是错误的。  

3.  B  第二段第二句说“女人患惊恐性障碍的可能性比男人高两倍”,也就是B项说的“是三倍”。这里涉及到英语倍数的理解和表达问题,如果形容词或副词用比较级就应是“比...多出(或高出)...倍”,如果是用同级比较“as…as”则是“是...的...倍”。

4.  B  第三段第二句提到“The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in the state of Maryland吓坏开车的人是出了名的”,其它地方没有提到。应该注意的是,本题所问的是 most likely(“很可能”),并不是the most likely (“最可能”),因此并不涉及四个选项所列场所进行比较的问题。

5.  A  第四段中间两句已经罗列了包括B、C、D三项在内的各个病种,但就是没有A项的“癌症”。

