

分类: 职称英语 
feel like + V-ing ...
結構︰feel like+動名詞
說明︰此句型意為“想要…”。like 是<介系詞>,故之後要接<名詞>或<動名詞>。當接<動名詞>時,解釋為“想要做…”,相當於“would like to+原形<動詞>”;接<名詞>時,解釋為“感覺像…”。
I don’t feel like studying tonight. 我今晚不想念書。
I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.我好想明年暑假去一趟歐洲。
Do you feel like going to a movie? 你想看電影嗎?
I feel like a newborn baby. 我感覺像是個新生的嬰兒。
... come near + V-ing ...
結構︰主詞+come near+動名詞
說明︰此句型意為“幾乎去做…”。near 後跟<動名詞>。
It came near being the prettiest bow he had ever seen.那幾乎是他所見過最漂亮的一隻果盆。
I came near hitting him. 我幾乎揍他。
They came near being drowned. 他們幾乎被水淹死。
My son came near being run over by a truck. 我的兒子差點被大卡車輾過。
... worth + V-ing ...
說明︰此句型意為“值得…”。worth 是<介系詞>,使用時要用<名詞>或<動名詞>做<受詞>,形成<介系詞片語>,當 <形容詞>用。worth 之後接<動名詞>時,<主詞>必須為該<動名詞>之<受詞>,否則<動名詞>之後須另加<介系詞>,使<主詞>做其<受詞>。這種<句型>不可用虛<主詞> it 做<主詞>。
London is a city worth visiting. 倫敦是值得參觀的城市。
He who does his duty is worth praising. 凡是忠於職守的人都值得贊揚。
A book worth reading once is worth reading time and time again.
The work is worth doing. 這個工作值得去做。
He is worth doing the work for. 值得為他去做這份工作。
be worthy of + V-ing
結構︰be worthy of+動名詞
說明︰此句型意為“值得…”。等於“be worthy+to be+過去<分詞>”。worthy 是<形容詞>,也引導<形容詞片語>;同 worth 一樣,使用 worthy 時,不可用虛<主詞> it 做<主詞>。
This book is worthy of reading. 這本書值得一讀。
He who does his duty is worthy of praising. 凡是忠於職守的人都值得獎勵。
The event is worthy of being remembered. 那事件是值得記憶的。
On/Upon + V-ing ...
說明︰此句型意為“一…就…”。相當於 once 引導的<副詞子句>。on 後面所跟的<動詞>的動作執行者必須與<主要子句>的一致。
Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest”. 一達到適當的年齡,孩子們就被鼓勵,而不是被強迫,“離開老窩”。
On entering the classroom, I found a book lying on the floor.
Upon receiving your letter, I was as happy as could be. 一收到你的信,我非常高興。
before + V-ing ...
結構︰before + 動名詞 ...
說明︰此句型意為“在…之前”。before 後面動作的執行者,應該與<主要子句>中的動作執行者一致。
Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes.
Before reading the book, you had better ask yourself if you have the time.
Before visiting him, I called him up in advance. 在拜訪他之前,我先打電話給他。
of one’s own + V-ing
結構︰of one’s own+動名詞
This is a picture of his own painting. 這是他的親筆畫。
This is a coat of her own making. 這是她親手做的外衣。
I least expected that this should be a house of his own constructing.

