

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-12-06 12:51:52 
keep ... from + V-ing
說明︰此句型意為“防止…/阻止…/使…不能…/勸阻某人不要…”。有時把 from 省略。
It will take everybody’s efforts to keep city noises from increasing.
The rain kept us from getting there on time. 那場雨使我們不能準時到達那裡。
They should try to keep prices from rising. 他們應該設法阻止價錢上漲。
Sometimes we can prevent a cloud from producing rain. 有時我們可以阻止雲產生雨。
Nobody can prevent him from running the risk. 沒有人能夠阻止他去冒險。
The bad weather prevented us from getting there on time.
They didn’t even try to stop him getting it. 他們甚至沒有試圖去阻止他得到它。
You should have stopped him from going swimming. 你本來應該阻止他去游泳。
A strong will will stop one from committing a crime. 強烈的意志會阻止一個人去犯罪。
Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office.
He was discouraged from making another attempt. 他受勸阻去做另一次的嘗試。
I remember + V-ing ...
說明︰此句型意為“記得曾做…”。“remember+<動名詞>”是指現在記得以前曾經做過某事,而“remember+to-<不定詞>”是指“記住要做某事”。forget,regret 的情形和 remember 也有大致相同的區別。
I remember feeling that God, or someone, had brought us together.
Do you remember taking a trip to Japan with him? 你記得曾經和他到日本旅行嗎?
I can’t remember quarreling with him in junior high school. 我不記得國中時和他吵過架。
I’ll remember to mail these letters. 我會記著寄這些信的。
... one’s + V-ing ...
She is not sure of his answering her letter. 她無法確定他是否會回信給她。
I prefer John’s playing tennis to his playing cards. 我寧願約翰打網球而不玩樸克牌。
I dislike my mother’s interfering in the affair. 我不喜歡母親介入這件事。
Our teacher didn’t mind my coming in late. 老師對於我的遲到並不在意。
Would you mind my opening the window? 你介意我開窗嗎?
I remember our meeting ten years ago. 我記得十年前我們會見過。
My father doesn’t like my/me going out alone. 我父親不喜歡我單獨出門。
I dislike my house being too small. 我不喜歡我的房子太小。

