

分类: Lsat英语 
16. Researchers in South Australia estimate changes in shark populations inhabiting local waters by monitoring what is termed the "catch per unit effort" (CPUE). The CPUE for any species of shark is the number of those sharks that commercial shark-fishing boats catch per hour for each kilometer of gill net set out in the water. Since 1973 the CPUE for a particular species of shark has remained fairly constant. Therefore, the population of that species in the waters around South Australia must be at approximately its 1973 level.

 Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

 (A) The waters around South Australia are the only area in the world where that particular species of shark is found
 (B) The sharks that are the most profitable to catch are those that tend to remain in the same area of ocean year after year and not migrate far from where they were born.
 (C) The last time the PTA petitioned for a 15 percent fare increase, the petition was denied.
 (D) The PTA's budget deficit is 40 percent larger this year than it was last year.
 (E) The PTA's bus drivers recently won a ew contract that guarantees them a significant cash bonus each time they work the late-night shifts

 19. The Volunteer for Literacy Program would benefit if Dolores takes Victors place as director ,since Dolores if far more skillful than Victor is at securing the kind of financial support the program needs and Dolores does not have Victor's propensity for alienzting program's most dedicated volunteers.

 The pattern of reasoning in the argument above is most closely paralleled in which one of the following?

 (A) It would be more convenient for Dominique to take a bus to school than to take the subway, since the bus stops closer to her house than does the subway and unlike the subway the bus goes directly to the school.
 (B) Joshua's interest would be better served by taking the bus to get to his parent's house rather than by taking an airplane, since his primary concern is to travel as cheaply as possible and taking the bus is less expensive than going by airplane.
 (C) Belinda will get to the concert more quickly by subway than by taxi since the concert takes place on a Friday evening and on Friday evenings traffic near the concert hall is exceptionally heavy.
 (D) Anita would benefit financially by taking the train to work rather than driving her car since when she drives she has to pay parking fees and the daily fee for parking a car is higher than a round-trip train ticket.
 (E) It would be to Fred's advantage to exchange his bus tickets for train tickets since he needs to arrive at his meeting before any of the other participants and if he goes by bus at least one of the other participants will arrive first.
 20. Students from outside the province of Markland, who in any given academic year pay twice as much tuition each as do students from Markland, had traditionally accounted for at least two-thirds of the enrollment at Centra Markland College. Over the past 10 years academic standards at the college have risen and the proportion of students who are not Marklanders has dropped to around 40 percent.

 Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the statements above?
 (A) If it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Markland, the college could not have improved its academic standards over the past 10 years.
 (B) If academic standards had not risen over the past 10 year students who are not Marklanders would still account for at least two-thirds of the college's enrollment.
 (C) Over the past 10 year the number of students from Markland increased and the number of students from outside Markland decreased
 (D) Over the past 10 years academic standards at Central Markland College have risen by more than academic standards at any other college in Markland.
 (E) If the college's per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same tuition fees have increased over the past 10 years。

