

分类: Lsat英语 
7. Of all the photographs taken of him at his wedding there was one that John and his friends sharply disagreed about. His friends all said that this particular picture did not much resemble him, but John said that on the contrary it was the only photograph that did.

Which one of the following, if true about the photograph most helps to explain John s disagreement with his friends?

(A) It, unlike the other photographs of John, showed him in the style of dress he and his friends usually wear rather than the formal clothes he wore at the ceremony.
(B) It was the only photograph taken of John at his wedding for which the photographer had used a flash.
(C) It was a black-and-white photograph, whereas the other photographs that showed John were mostly color photographs.
(D) It was unique in showing John s face reflected in a mirror, the photographer having taken the photograph over John s shoulder.
(E) It was one of only a few taken at the wedding that showed no one but John.

Questions 8-9

Eva: A "smart highway" system should be installed, one that would monitor areawide traffic patterns and communicate with computers in vehicles or with programmable highway signs to give drivers information about traffic congestion and alternate routes. Such a system, we can infer, would result in improved traffic flow in and around cities that would do more than improve drivers tempers; it would decrease the considerable loss of money and productivity that now results from traffic congestion.

Lines: There are already traffic reports on the radio. Why would a "smart highway" system be any better?

8. Eva s argument depends on the assumption that

(A) on "smart highways" there would not be the breakdowns of vehicles that currently cause traffic congestion
(B) traffic lights, if coordinated by the system, would assure a free flow of traffic
(C) traffic flow in and around cities is not now so congested that significant improvement is impossible
(D) the type of equipment used in "smart highway" systems would vary from one city to another
(E) older wehicles could not be fitted with equipment to receive signals sent by a "smart highway" system

9. If Eva responded to Luis by saying that the current one-minute radio reports are too short to give a sufficient description of overall patterns of traffic congestion, which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen Luis s challenge?

(A) Bad weather, which radio stations report, would cause traffic to slow down whether or not a "smart highway" system was in operation.
(B) It would be less costly to have radio stations that give continual, lengthier traffic reports than to install a "smart highway" system.
(C) Radio reports can take note of congestion once it occurs, but a "smart highway" system could anticipate and forestall it in many instances.
(D) The proposed traffic monitoring would not reduce the privacy of drivers.
(E) Toll collection booths, which constiture traffic bottlenecks, would largely be replaced in the "smart highway" system by electronic debiting of commuters accounts while traffic proceeded at full speed.

10. The terms "sex" and "gender" are often used interchangeably. But "sex" more properly refers to biological differences of male and female, while "gender" refers to society s construction of a system that identifies what is masculine and feminine. Unlike the set of characteristies defining biological sex, the set of traits that are associated with gender does not sort people into two nonoverlapping groups. The traits characterize people in a complex way, so that a person may have both "masculine" and "feminine" traits.

Which one of the following statements best expresses a main point of the argument?

(A) Distinctions based on gender are frequently arbitrary.
(B) Gender traits are not determined at birth.
(C) Masculine gender traits are highly correlated with maleness.
(D) The terms "sex" and "gender" are not properly interchangeable.
(E) Society rather than the individual decides what is considered proper behavior.

11. Raising the tax rate on essential goods—a traditional means of increasing govemment revenues—invariably turns low-and middle-income taxpayers against the government. Hence government officials have proposed adding a new tax on pruchases of luxury items such as yachts, private planes, jewels, and furs. The officials in government revenues while affecting only the wealthy individuals and corporations who can afford to purchase such items.

The answer to which one of the following questions would be most relevant in evaluating the accuracy of the government officials prediction?

(A) Will luxury goods be taxed at a higher rate than that at which essential goods are currently taxed?
(B) Will be revenues generated by the proposed tax be comparable to those that are currently being generated by taxes on essential goods?
(C) Will sales of the luxury items subject to the proposed tax occur at current rates once the proposed tax on luxury items has been passed?
(D) Will the proposed tax on luxury items win support for the government in the eyes of low-and middle-income taxpayers?
(E) Will purchases of luxury items by corporations account for more of the revenue generated by the proposed tax than will purchases of luxury items by wealthy individuals?

