

分类: Lsat英语 
(30) winessed in the especially warm exchange between the Pico workers and  recent working-class immigrants from China In addition to broadening the  political base within the Korean American community, the Pico struggle also  led to new alliances between the Korean

(35) American community and prograessive labor and social justice groups  within the larger society—as evidenced in the support received from the  Coalition of Labor Union Women and leading African American uniontsts.

(40) The reasons for these effects lie in the nature of the cause The issues  raised by the Pico unionists had such a strong human component that  differences within the community became secondary to larger concerns for  social justice and workers rights The workers

(45) demands for compensation and respect were unencumbered with strong  ideological trappings The economic exploitation faced by the Pico workers  underscored the common interests of Korean workers Korean Americans, the  working class more inclusively

(50) and a broad spectrum of community leaders

 The Pico workers campaign thus offers an important lesson. It  demonstrates that ethnic communities need more than just a knowledge of  history and cuture as artifacts of the past in order to

(55) strengthen their ethnic identity. It shows that perhaps the most effective  means of empowerment for many ethnic communities of immigrant derivation  may be an identification with and participation in current struggles for  economic and social justice in their

(60) countries of origin.

7. Which one of the following best describes the main topic of the passage?

(A) the contribution of the Korean American community to improving the working conditions of Koreans employed by United States companies
(B) the change brought about in the Korean American community by contacts with Koreans visiting the United States
(C) the contribution of recent immigrants from Korea to strengthening ethnic identity in the Korean American community
(D) the effects on the Korean American community of a dispute between Korean union workers and a United States company
(E) the effect of the politicization of second-generation Korean Americans on the Korean American community as a whole

8. The passage suggests that which one of the following was a significant factor in the decision to shut down the Pico plant in Buchon City?

(A) the decreasing profitability of maintaining operations in Korea
(B) the failure to resolve long-standing disputes between the Pico workers and management
(C) the creation of a union by the Pico workers
(D) the withholding of workers wages by the parent company
(E) the finding of an alternate site for operations

9. which one of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a recent development in the Korean American community?

(A) Young second-generation Korean Americans have begun to take an interest in their Korean heritage
(B) Recent Korean American immigrants of working-class backgrounds have begun to enter the more privileged sectors of the Korean American community
(C) Korean Americans have developed closer ties with activist groups from other sectors of the population
(D) Previously nonpolitical members of teh Korean American community have become more politically active
(E) The Korean American community has been able to set aside political and generational disparities in order to support a common cause

10. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would most likely agree with which one of the following statements about ethnic communities of immigrant derivation?

(A) Such communities can derive important benefits from maintaining ties with their countries of origin
(B) Such communities should focus primarily on promoting study of the history and culture of their people in order to strengthen their ethnic identity
(C) Such communities can most successfully mobilize and politicize their young people by addressing the problems of voung people of all backgrounds
(D) The more privileged sectors of such communities are most likely to maintain a sense of closeness to their cultural roots.
(E) The politicization of such a community is unlikely to affect relations with other groups within the larger society

11. In the second paragraph, the author refers to immigrants from China most probably in order to do which one of the following?

(A) highlight the contrast between working conditions in the United States and in Korea
(B) demonstrate the uniqueness of the problem faced by the Pico workers.
(C) offer an example of the type of role that can be played by recent working-class immigrants
(D) provide an analogy for the type of activism displayed by the Korean American community
(E) compare the disparate responses of two immigrant communities to similar problems

