分类: Lsat英语
that exhibited above?; Which one of the following could be best supported by the same type of reasoning as that exhibited in the passage?; Which one of the following contains the error of reasoning described by the author in the passage?; Which one of the following most closely parallels the flawed patt ern of reasoning in the author’s reply?) △逻辑相悖题(In which one of the following situations is the principle expre ssed most clearly violated?) △两人争论内容题(The source of A & B’s dispute is their lack of agreement o n which one of the following terms?; Which one of the following is the point at issue between A & B?) △逻辑策略方法题(Which one of the following is the best line of causal analy sis for A to do?; The author establishes his position in the passage by doin g which one of the following?; The author of the passage argues by...;The ar gument seeks to do which one of the following?; A most seriously weakens B’ s argument by doing which one of the following?; Which one of the following techniques of argument does the author use in the passage?; A’s statement m ost closely conforms to which one of the following principles?; The relation ship if A’s response to B’s argument is that A’s response...; A responds to B’s argument by...How is A’s response related to B’s argument?) (注:有些问法可以归为不止一类;一些较冷僻的问法没有列在括号里,但应该不会影 响判断。) 从以上题型可以看出,LSAT前几种题型和GMAT是完全一样的,这类题要么难度和GMAT不 相上下,要么在阅读难度和逻辑绕圈子上难一些,是较之GMAT更上一层楼的题。 后几种涉及到逻辑推理的具体方法,GMAT中没涉及到,但其实后几种才是LSAT的精华, 才是真正提高逻辑水平的训练,才是LSAT借以CRACK GMAT的法宝,所以是不能略去不做 的。 GMAT逻辑有“句子作用题”,LSAT中没涉及到,但基本上靠费费给的方法就能搞定,有 阅读能力作后盾这种题更是小菜。(通过练习逻辑策略方法题,做句子作用题的能力可以 得到很大的提高。) □□□□LSAT题的难度□□□□ ◇LSAT并不是高不可攀,LSAT中有一部分题也可是称得上是“白痴题”,甚至比一般的 GMAT题还简单。这样的题每个SECTION里大概有5-8道,应该看完一遍PASSAGE和五个选项 就能选出答案,每题耗时在一分钟甚至50秒内。 比如有一道LSAT题,讲保险公司列出保单持有人的体重与身高的对应表,并说体重在身 高对应的体重范围内的人寿命较长,超重或体重过低的人寿命短。于是得出结论:保单 持有者如果调整他们的体重使之落在身高对应的体重范围内,他们的寿命便能延长。题 目问假设,正确选项很明显,就是人们改变体重的举动不会使其健康恶化到影响其预期 寿命的程度。 ◇LSAT里还有不少题和GMAT很相近,不但题型相近,题材相近,甚至思维方式都相近。 这样的题大家做起来应该是比较舒服的,正确率也应该较高。 比如GMAT里有一道讲到为了保护长角的犀牛免于偷猎者的毒手,有人建议把犀牛的角都 锯掉。题目问这要以什么为前提(假设),正确选项是游客不会因犀牛没有角而不来看