

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
艺术和现实  (49想象类作品比现实报道更准确更有意义,所以比现实报道更有深远影响。)  //指环王具有现实意义。  提纲小结:  1、现实作品往往更关注具体细节,想象类作品在细节方面往往没有现实作品那么准确。  2、成功的想象类作品也往往是基于现实而创作的,只是作品的细节进一步做了某些丰富和引申,可以逼真的重现过去和展示未来,往往更吸引人,更具有深远的影响。。  3、想象力和准确性都很重要。现实作品和想象类作品都是非常宝贵的。  艺术创作和政府  (82政府不应该审核艺术作品和历史剧)  (85政府赞助艺术会威胁艺术的真实性)  //凡高终身贫困。Monet终身贫困。  (101政府应该赞助艺术家,这样所有人都可以欣赏艺术)  (190只要社会中还游人在饥饿、失业或者缺乏其他基本生存技能,利用公共资源来支持艺术就是不合适的,甚至是残忍的。)  提纲小结:  支持政府赞助:  1、政府适当投资可以用来改善艺术创作的硬件设施;有助于作艺术展示。  2、无论何种情况下,政府都应该保护艺术不受破坏。  反对政府参与:  1、真正的艺术家创作只是为了艺术本身,追求完美,而并不关心钱。  2、艺术家的创作灵感来自于他们对世界的感悟,这些是资助无法带给艺术家的。甚至说,贫穷和挫折往往带给艺术家对生活深刻的感悟,从而他们的艺术品往往更震撼人心。  艺术家的自由创作往往更容易得到人们的欢迎。  艺术和批评(评价)  (96批评家帮助来建立艺术评价的客观标准。)  //贝多芬的第九交响曲Chorus,第一次演奏之后观众谢幕5次。或者指环王。  //毕加索?Picasso  //monet的日出。有些人认为不好,难以理解。  //即使是贝多芬的音乐受到大家的一致好评,也不见得所有人都能真正把握其中的内涵。  (143艺术家不应该关注批评。批评破坏了艺术家的创作力)  (144是艺术家而不是批评家给社会带来长远的价值)  //电影的影评促进了人们对电影的理解。指环王。  提纲小结:  支持批评:  1、政批评家对艺术家的作品有帮助。很多批评家就是艺术家,他们的意见有助于艺术走向进一步的成熟。  2、批评家的意见有助于人们(无论是当代的或者后代的)来认识艺术品。  反对批评:  1、很多作品其他艺术家并不能完全领会。虽然有一些作品最初很受争议,或者不为人重视,但是他们最终还是得到了应有的荣誉。  2、不同领域、不同风格的艺术之间差异比较大。很难用统一的标准来衡量。有些艺术品很容易得到人们的认可,有些则需要很长时间才能得到应有的尊重。作品中包含了作者的充分的感情。  3、作者的感情很多时候是其他人难以把握的,每个人都会有自己不同的理解,所以用客观的标准的衡量艺术是不合适的。  4、艺术的真谛是通过其某种表现手法,表现作者对于世界的某种看法thinking,借此来表现作者对美beauty、对真truth和善良mercy的追求。人们只有真正和艺术家有同样的想法,要追求真善美的时候,才能真正理解艺术家。  艺术的意义  (131艺术品展示了在其他方面隐藏的思想和社会的推动力)  //康德的Critique of pure reasons  提纲小结:  1、艺术创作是人们对世界的体验的反映,是人们追求真善美的智慧结晶。  2、艺术创作和社会发展息息相关。艺术的发展反映社会的变革中人们的思想的变化。  3、一些艺术创作可以起到引导社会思潮的作用。  艺术的表现方式  (218艺术只有容易被人理解才有价值)  //指环王容易被人所接受。  //Monet的画用色很奇怪;Kant的批判很难懂。  提纲小结:  1、容易被理解的文化作品更容易得到承认。  2、有些文化作品,虽然很难被理解,但是只要他们具有创作力,一样会得到承认。  3、创作者应该努力使得自己的作品容易理解。  指环王  In the fantasy film "The Lord of the Rings", by turning the developing 20th century’s struggle with industrialization and war into a tale about an unlikely alliance of good souls battling an encroaching evil, the director synthesizes the traditional and the modern.(简介)  To find examples one need look no further than the success of fantasy film "The Lord of The Rings", one of the most renowned films in the year 2004. This outstanding film, which won all 11 Oscar awards that it was nominated, is understandable to most people as a tale about an imaginative alliance of good souls battling against a frightful evil, and may be further interpreted as struggle of humans with industrialization and war. The success of "The Lord of The Rings" is no doubt the representative of such great artistic works.(容易被接受;反应现实)  康德  It’s extremely hard and obscure. This is because its ideas are radical and difficult, and because Kant is a careful philosopher.  recognize this book as what it is - one of the most important contributions to a scholarly field ever.  They’re for specialists and scholars, and are written in a language that is appropriately technical to that task.(简介)  Kant, the founder of classical mentalism, wrote his great work The Critique of Pure Reason quite obscurely, and even the most outstanding contemporary philosophers would not be able to understand it. However, the book is now acknowledged as the prerequisite books for those who major in philosophy. (难懂的作品也会得到承认)  莫奈  Monet’s famous work "Impression: Sunrise" was not understood initially, since it seems peculiar for a large amount of blue was used as the major color for sunlight. However, this work eventually earned its reputation and had led to the name for impressionism.(难懂的作品也会得到承认)  Monet did not find acclaim and wealth to later in his life and at times suffered through extreme poverty. Success also allowed him some degree of freedom in his work.(艺术家很贫穷)  达芬奇  Leonardo da Vinci trained as a painter during the Renaissance and became a true master of the craft. His amazing powers of observation and skill as an illustrator enabled him to notice and recreate the effects he saw in nature, and added a special liveliness to his portraits.(简介)  He had a keen eye and quick mind that led him to make important scientific discoveries, yet he never published his ideas.  He was a gentle vegetarian who loved animals and despised war, yet he worked as a military engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons.  He was one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance, yet he left only a handful of completed paintings.(通才)  All in all, Leonardo believed that the artist must know not just the rules of perspective, but all the laws of nature. The eye, he believed, was the perfect instrument for learning these laws, and the artist the perfect person to illustrate them.(艺术家创造的源泉)  Even a master like Leonardo was forced to sell out in order to support himself(也有穷的时候)  贝多芬  Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, composer to ever live. Most people are familiar with a few of his works, if nothing more than the beginning of the Fifth Symphony, the Finale of the Ninth Symphony and the "Moonlight" Sonata.(简介)  Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, forms a transition from classical to romantic composition.(耳朵失聪坚持创作)  The fourth movement of his Ninth Symphony is a setting of Schiller’s poem Ode to Joy, an optimistic hymn championing the brotherhood of humanity.  Beethoven, one of the greatest composers and musicians, created many symphonies. Astonishingly, he produced his most famous symphony, Chorus, with complete deafness. How could he manage it? It must be the prominent imagination that stimulated him to struggle and thrive, thus he can even listen in spite of no hearings.(兴趣的作用)  When his finale of Ninth Symphonies, Chorus, was played, the audience were deeply moved and clapped for his greatness for five times until the police stopped them.*(被承认)  When Beethoven had no idea about the finale of his symphonies, he was suddenly struck by the "Ode to Joy" by Schiller. Inspired from the hymn championing the brotherhood of humanity, Beethoven’ heart was fraught of passion and courage, regardless of his entire deafness. Eventually, when Beethoven completed his great works, Chorus, and had it played in the concert, all the audience were completely attracted and moved by the striking and passionate symphony, and acclaimed even five times in reverence of Beethoven.(交叉的作用)  文艺复兴(the Renaissance)  (中世纪:the Middle Ages)  During the era well-known as the Renaissance, Europe emerged from the economic stagnation of the Middle Ages and experienced a time of financial growth. Also, and perhaps most importantly, the Renaissance was an age in which artistic, social, scientific, and political thought turned in new directions

