

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

1.The popularity of pseudoscience and quack medicines in the nineteenth century suggests that people were very ____, but the gullibility of the public today makes citizens of yesterday look like hard-nosed ____.
(A) cautious.. educators
(B) sophisticated.. realists
(C) rational.. pragmatists
(D) naive.. idealists
(E) credulous.. skeptics

2.Having sufficient income of her own constituted for Alice ____ independence that made possible a degree of ____ in her emotional life as well.
(A) a material.. security
(B) a profound.. conformity
(C) a financial.. economy
(D) a psychological.. extravagance
(E) an unexpected.. uncertainty

3.The success of science is due in great part to its emphasis on ____ : the reliance on evidence rather than ____ and the willingness to draw conclusions even when they conflict with traditional beliefs.
(A) causality.. experimentation
(B) empiricism.. facts
(C) objectivity.. preconceptions
(D) creativity.. observation
(E) conservatism.. assumptions

4.Given the failure of independent laboratories to replicate the results of Dr. Johnson's experiment, only the most ____ supporters of her hypothesis would be foolish enough to claim that it had been adequately ____
(A) fastidious.. defined
(B) partisan.. verified
(C) vigilant.. publicized
(D) enlightened.. researched
(E) fervent.. undermined

5.One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic brain diseases can enter the peripheral nervous system and travel to the brain, ____ the need to inject the therapeutic virus directly into the brain.
(A) suggesting
(B) intensifying
(C) elucidating
(D) satisfying
(E) obviating

6.Artificial light ____ the respiratory activity of some microorganisms in the winter but not in the summer, in part because in the summer their respiration is already at its peak and thus cannot be ____
(A) stimulates.. lessened
(B) inhibits.. quickened
(C) reflects.. expanded
(D) elevates.. measured
(E) enhances.. increased

7.Even those siblings whose childhood was ____ familial feuding and intense rivalry for their parents' affection can nevertheless develop congenial and even ____ relationships with each other in their adult lives.
(A) scarred by.. vitriolic
(B) dominated by.. intimate
(C) filled with.. truculent
(D) replete with.. competitive
(E) devoid of.. tolerant

8.Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have ____ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the Winnebago people.

(A) described
(B) acknowledged
(C) overlooked
(D) defended
(E) authenticated

9.Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly ____ over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.
(A) appreciated
(B) emulated
(C) criticized
(D) revised
(E) reprinted

10.Even though formidable winters are the norm in the Dakotas, many people were unprepared for the ____ of the blizzard of 1888.
(A) inevitability
(B) ferocity
(C) importance
(D) probability
(E) mildness

