

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

11.The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings by ____ a history the city did not truly ____.
(A) revealing.. deserve
(B) displaying.. desire
(C) evoking.. possess
(D) preserving.. experience
(E) flouting.. believe

12.Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such ____.
(A) astonishment
(B) vexation
(C) allusion
(D) innocence
(E) cunning

13.The techniques now available to livestock breeders will continue to be ____,but will probably be ____ by new ones under development.
(A) fruitful.. reversed
(B) refined.. upgraded
(C) inconvenient.. reassessed
(D) used.. supplemented
(E) harmless.. improved

14.There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been ____ to the extent that they no longer ____ ecologists.
(A) perfected.. hinder
(B) exhausted.. interest
(C) prolonged.. require
(D) prevented.. challenge
(E) delayed.. benefit

15.Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health, human genes are to be manipulated only to correct diseases for which ____ treatments are unsatisfactory.
(A) similar
(B) most
(C) dangerous
(D) uncommon
(E) alternative

16.The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its ____ provisions, but in its
broader impact: it made the king subject to the law.
(A) specific
(B) revolutionary
(C) implicit
(D) controversial
(E) finite

17.Because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still ____ on

land, where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet
to become a ____ enterprise.
(A) scarce. . common
(B) accessible.. marginal
(C) unidentified.. subsidized
(D) conserved . . public
(E) plentiful.. profitable

18.Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to
his poetry, even now only a few independent observers ____ his works.
(A) praise
(B) revile
(C) scrutinize
(D) criticize
(E) neglect

19.Once a duckling has identified a parent, the instinctive bond becomes a
powerful ____ for additional learning since, by ____ the parent, the
duckling can acquire further information that is not genetically transmitted.
(A) impulse.. surpassing
(B) referent.. recognizing
(C) force.. acknowledging
(D) inspiration.. emulating
(E) channel.. mimicking

20.It is ____ for a government to fail to do whatever it can to eliminate a
totally ____ disease.
(A) folly.. innocuous
(B) irresponsible.. preventable
(C) crucial.. fatal
(D) instinctive.. devastating
(E) detrimental.. insignificant

