

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

(3) SINGLE类:单一结论类,或者顶多后面附加背景或原因,让考生自己定夺的话题。这类是ISSUE最多最难的题,而且在这里没有上述那么简单可行的模式可以“僵硬”的套用,可以说这类文章才是考验你思辩能力的东西。那么,是不是对于这种类型就无计可施,只能死背提纲?不绝对是,笔者自己潜心领悟练笔及与参详诸“前辈”的真经,发现尽管到了最高境界,是“无招胜有招”,但是容易上手的潜在规律还是有的,总结下来,有以下三种:


4.“No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.”


Nowadays quite a lot colleges and universities have designed some humanistic curriculum providing as something compulsory to the scientific major students while to the literary major also a modest quantity of scientific courses have been given in order to balance the proportion of both knowledge ken. It certainly symbols a sign that different academic disciplines are gradually coming to across and the billow of the information currents is now blushing the explicit boundaries separating the major confluence, making them more and more ambiguous and impel them into the position of interrelated in that the knowledge of one field can sometimes shed beams of twilight on the studies of other fields.

As what is now more popular and acceptable by many successful entrepreneurs, the fresh idea of borrowing the dealing methods from mathematics to compensate the drawbacks of the traditional evaluation approaches used in the field of economy is displaying a unique glamorous charisma. For instance, ancient merchants nearly always had the headache to cope with the data treatment, which can help them to make clearly the trend of the offer-need relationship instructing them to adjust the weight of this relationship into approximately balanced avoiding the loss of the largely instilled investment. Obviously primitive arithmetical approaches like simple counting, enumerating, or assorted fundamental calculation including the plus, minus, multiply and divide must be far not enough, they were eager to conduce to a new convenient weapon specially trenchant to tamp this gap, so the quantitative methods accordingly born to dislodge the stranded commercial ship owing to generations of endless trials. Today's shrewd businessmen can easily deal with these problems just constitute a data repository in their own computers installed with the powerful exploited quantitative procedure software, no sooner do they enter the fluctuated data into the storehouse than a mobile accurate diagram immediately folded out in front of your sight, transforming with the change pace of the economy heart, surely the glamour of the collaboration of the two fields is.

If literary critics intend to put up a bulletin filled with some abstruse theory with their own unique clairvoyance, the principles of philosophy accumulated through several centuries are the best things they should consider to resort to further their study domain. As a famous American literary critic ever wrote in his latest book“Literature against Philosophy”, that both the subjects here concerned acts the roles of the brothers share in some common like the features of genes and attitudes towards outer evaluations, yet fight each other for the predominance of his own thinking rules in that the existence of the common and concordance mentioned above. Many literary works inevitable dips into the field of philosophy in the form of further exploring the deep ground of the hero or heroine's heart by depicting the countenance or the behavior deriving from his or her natural revelation, one of the eminent examples is the Mary Shelley's appealing fiction “Frankenstein”, the adept almost near the surface of perfect description and metaphorical expression fixed thousands of reader's eyes and souls onto the monster's fate and the hero's imminent manic psyche, the philosophical analysis told us how it produces so hallucinating effect and weird atmosphere.

