

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

Monet, throughout his lifetime, always obtained no acclaim and reward and suffered in poverty however,
he, finally, gain the respect of everyone. Nowadays, people understand his impressive painting sunrise and affirm its value.

Art also can reflect problems and phenomenon of a society. Take van Gogh as an example. The painting,
one of his most famous works called potato eaters reflect the misery and poverty of humanity as he saw it among the miners in Belgium

Automation trade-off technological advancement has both positive effects which enhance production efficiency
and quality control, reduce the need to have workers perform potentially dangerous tasks and negative effects
such as landfills with outdated devices, discarded chemicals, and plastic packaging, make many jobs unnecessary
so that put employees out of work or force them to retrain.

The complex and rapidly developed society encourage competition so that in many aspects, people can gain several
benefits. In business, for the sake of survival in competition, companies must continue to improve the quality of
services and products, and as a result, the entire society prospers, at least economically.

By the development of technology, during the past decades, all of good things happen because of only competition,
including a computer shrinking in size, increasing in power, reducing in price, and a rapid expansion of telecommunications networking in a declining price.

The Olympic Game is a form of competition break up records to challenge human limits, gotten along with each
other country to improve friendship and peace

Competition can not make everyone win challenges as a win-win situation. On the other word, cooperation is
the only driving force that will make every participant a winner. In this super-modern world, tasks are more complex
and there are more specialists. In an orchestra, in the office, in the school, in the lab to study, in the creation of a film,
and on many jobs, we know that we have to work in teams.

Poverty is an outcome of longstanding conflict between haves and have-nots and a structural arrangement of inequality,
thus, the poverty is perpetuated through class discrimination and unequal opportunities for upward mobility. Indeed,
the modern society has strived to improve people’s lives by establishing the social welfare system and performing some other affirmative actions. 

Imbalances in the distribution of power-the loss of personal freedoms and civil liberties, and abuses of authority lead people to dissatisfy.

Imbalance in the distribution of wealth—the loss of economic opportunity and social mobility, the creation of a
permanent underclass, and conditions of illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and disease contribute people to crime.

Racial discrimination such as racial purity or superiority, stereotyping and labeling, physical and social segregation,
institutionalized inequality need to be eliminated through global education which gathers students who come from
different countries together to learn the same courses in which teachers instruct students fairness, honesty, love the
world and every committees, fidelity to tasks, friends and ….

Family problems: family instability, divorce and child custody, spouse and child abuse, gender issues, gay and lesbian
families, reproductive technology, adoption, and abortion. 

Gene problems: the bioethics of transplants, genetic screening, gene therapies. Genetic engineering can be used to
many aspects of human life better such as reduce the amount of potentially dangerous chemical substances, cure
diseases at the DNA level, and improve the possibility of ending worldwide poverty and starvation.

Pollution not only affects human beings’ lives but also destroy the environment in which many other specials live.
Chemical leak kill several people. Pose health risks and contribute to acid rain and global warming.

A politician’s job is to build, maintain, and expand the wealth, prosperity and political influence of his nation; district, county, state or what have you.

Both morality and politics (law) serve to regulate or direct human behavior. They differ, however, in the
strength of their regulation and demand different, though related, personal qualities.

The boundaries between morality and politics are very flexible. In some periods particular relations can be
regulated by moral mechanisms, which in some other periods are ruled by political ones. the interaction
between morality and politics depends on the particular social contradictions and objective possibilities
of achieving class, state and national goals by acting in accordance with, or neglecting, respective moral values and norms.

When the political theory, ideology and practice come into sharp contradiction with the morality of the people,
they lose efficacy and in the end are doomed to failure. Therefore, every political theory, ideology and practice
seeks moral justification and arguments in order to be accepted by the masses.

Leaders need to establish an organization culture and are responsible for reputation management of their
companies, governments and groups. As role models of values-based leadership, they can win loyalty and
superior performance of their employees. The organization culture as the distinctive competitive factor will
be the ability to attract and retain the most talented people and obtain personal fulfillment.

History as a mirror is used to represent a study of the past—a study not only of great heroes of history who
successfully worked through moral dilemmas, but also of many ordinary people who provided lessons in courage, diligence, or constructive protest.

Machiavelli, an Italian philosopher wrote: “whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for
human events ever resemble those of preceding times.”


1 交叉学科的例子(一个网友写了给我的):

In 1994, John Nash, the renowned mathematician in 20th century, shared the Nobel Prize with two co-winners
who were also mathematicians. However, they were awarded in Economic Sciences rather than their own academic
field-mathematics. Nash’s work on game theory, including the Nash equilibrium and the Nash arbitration scheme has
allowed researchers to better understand problems of competition and cooperation among agents or players. His and
his co-winners’ finding had a phenomenal impact on economic analysis and appreciations in many other fields including
in political science, biology, ecology, etc.

2 学术丑闻:

Hwang woo-suk, the former professor of Seoul National University in Korea, made headlines last year when he unveiled
the first cloned human embryo. The work marked the start of what many scientists believed would be a revolution. However,
not very sooner, Hwang was forced to admit that he had lied. Not only did he use eggs donated by his female staff, but also
fabricated cell lines and concocted DNA tests. This incident has sent shock waves around the scientific world, and the ethics
of scientists was also raised upon the table.

