

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 

fiasco :: total failure
fiat :: command
fidelity :: loyalty
figment :: invention; imaginary thing
finale :: conclusion
finesse :: delicate skill
fissure :: crevice
flair :: talent
flick :: light stroke as with a whip
flippancy :: trifling gaiety
floe :: mass of floating ice
flora :: plants of a region or era
flotilla :: small fleet
flotsam :: drifting wreckage
fluctuation :: wavering
fluency :: smoothness of speech
flux :: flowing; series of changes
foible :: weakness; slight fault
foray :: raid
forbearance :: patience
foreboding :: premonition of evil
forte :: strong point of special talent
fortitude :: bravery; courage
fracas :: brawl; melee
frailty :: weakness
franchise :: right granted by authority
fray :: brawl
freebooter :: buccaneer
fresco :: painting on plaster (usually fresh)
freshet :: sudden flood
friction :: clash in opinion; rubbing against
frieze :: ornamental band on a wall
frond :: fern leaf; palm or banana leaf
frugality :: thrift
fruition :: bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization
fulcrum :: support on which a lever rests
functionary :: official
furor :: frenzy; great excitement
fusion :: union; coalition
gadfly :: animal-biting fly; an irritating person
gaff :: hook; barbed fishing spear
galaxy :: the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities
galleon :: large sailing ship
gamester :: gambler
gamibit :: opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed
gamut :: entire range
gargoyle :: waterspout carved in grotesque figures on building
garrulity :: talkativeness
gasconade :: bluster; boastfulness
gastronomy :: science of preparing and serving good food

