

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
gauntlet :: leather glove
gazette :: official periodical publication
genealogy :: record of descent; lineage
generality :: vague statement
geniality :: cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy
genre :: style of art illustrating scenes of common life
gentility :: those of gentle birth; refinement
gentry :: people of standing; class of people just below nobility
gesticulation :: motion; gesture
gibbet :: gallows
gig :: two-wheeled carriage
gist :: essence
gloaming :: twilight
glossary :: brief explanation of words used in the text
gnome :: dwarf; underground spirit
gourmand :: epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
gratuity :: tip
grimace :: a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc.
hackles :: hairs on back and neck of a dog
haughtiness :: pride; arrogance
hauteur :: haughtiness
hawser :: large rope
hedonism :: belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life
hegira :: flight, especially Mohammed"s flight from Mecca the Medina
heresy :: opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted relig
heretic :: person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the church
hermitage :: home of hermit
hiatus :: gap; pause
hierarchy :: body divided into ranks
hieroglyphic :: picture writing
hilarity :: boisterous mirth
hireling :: one who serves for hire (usually contemptuously)
hoax :: trick; practical joke
hogshead :: large barrel
holocaust :: destruction by fire
holster :: pistol case
homily :: sermon; serious warning
hostelry :: inn
hoyden :: boisterous girl
hubbub :: confused uproar
humility :: humbleness of spirit
hummock :: small hill
humus :: substance formed by decaying vegetable matter
husbandry :: frugality; thrift; agriculture
hustings :: meetings particularly to choose candidates
hybrid :: mongrel; mixed breed
hyperbole :: exaggeration; overstatement

