

分类: IELTS雅思英语 
Hobbies & Interests话题
1、What do you like to do in your spare time?
e.g.: I like go shopping→give more details,e.g.: what kind of place?→department store, discount stores(打折店,优点:cheap, I don’t feel guilty and won’t go broke) , supermarkets…
I don’t have any free time. All I have to do is to work.
可以讨论的休闲方式很多:physical things/sports (e.g.: sky diving, tennis, swimming, sailing…), anything outside, theatre(e.g.: plays, ballet, opera, movies…), reading books, go dancing, animals, restaurants, mostly like sleep, lots of different stuffs…
sports: What are your favorite sports?
How often do you do the sports? Twice/3 times a week.
How much time do you spend on the sports? About 2 hours every time.
How well/good do you play it? Very well. /I’m great. /I’m terrible. /Not at all.
Why do you like it? How do you feel when playing it?
    Relaxed, challenging, peaceful, be in control, sth. I can manage, It makes me feel good…
1、What’s your favorite TV programme?
Types: TV series, sitcom(室内情景剧sit-situation, com-comedy), talk shows, celebrity talk show, quiz shows(如6+1梦想剧场之类的周期娱乐节目), cartoons, documentary, love story/romance…
2、What’s your favorite kind of music? Who’s your favorite star?
Types: jazz, pop, hip-hop, rap, blues, R&B(rhythm& blues), classical, folk, rock n’roll…
I guess… is my favorite type of mu123
I’m a real/huge fan of…. She/He is cool/great.
Types: action/kungfu, light comedy, horror, fantasy/legend, science fiction, documentary, thriller, historical, romance, TV adaptation…

