

分类: IELTS雅思英语 

l 分析原因找解决办法 It is an inescapable fact that ---------(主语从句), which not only annoys individuals, but also infatuates the nation(society) as a whole. The following paragraphs will consider some of the problems before some tackling approaches are being ventured The reason for this tendency may involve (include) the recognition(the full realization of the fact) that –r1-----(同位语从语),Facing (confronted with)the pressing (fierce, severe) issue, what we need to do is s1------, for example, ------ Additionally, there is bound to be another reason(there is certainly another reason), which obviously lies in the fact that r2 ------. It seems that s2------ is an effective method. In summary, the problems we face are many. With joint efforts from all aspects, I consider the serious as well as haunting problem will be approached to great extent (degree) as we wish l


2利弊型(一方观点) Every story has two sides, so does -----. When its benefits are highly spoken of, we can never lose sight of its drawbacks Obviously(undoubtedly), it is not a hard task to locate its benefits. On one hand,--- on the other hand,---- However, critics still raise quite a few questions against ---. For one thing,-----, for another ----, for still another---- In conclusion, without further presenting more details, I hold firmly its strengths will sure outweigh its flaws (或相反)+重复          折中结尾: All of the above opinions make sense, just as one of the Chinese old saying goes: fire is a good servant but a bad master, therefore ,What we must do is to make sure that the positive ones are encourage and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible

首尾折中: As is knows to all, angels and devils are two poles apart, but___ combine(s) them perfectly, which is strongly welcome by most people, of course including me for there is an element of truth in both view. Obviously(undoubtedly), it is not a hard task to locate its benefits. On one hand,--- on the other hand,---- for example However, critics still raise quite a few questions against ---. For one thing,-----, for another ----, for still another---- 折中 All of the above opinions make sense, just as one of the Chinese old saying goes: fire is a good servant but a bad master, therefore ,What we must do is to make sure that the positive ones are encourage and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible l

对称型(问题中只有一方单一观点) The issue of------- is a complex and sensitive one(进步或中立)/ A criticism often heard these days /A striking fact is (倒退), it is certain that people would have diverse attitudes towards it, I, however, would not hesitate to stick to that Obviously(undoubtedly), the principal reason why people hold is that------(表语从句), furthermore,----- If the above remark still holds water now, the phenomenon in question should make us ponder about how it will affect our society(substitute), for one thing,----, for another-------, for still another -----, -----may serve as perfect example to----(代替掉for example or for instance) All in all, it is ridiculous to rack one’s brain about-----, Judging from above evidence offered, we can safely(readily) arrive at the conclusion:------

对立型观点(问题中有二方观点): When it comes to/asked about---whether, / People often find themselves caught in such dilemma whether or not …. some people hold-----, while majority, of course including me, will prefer --- as our inclination. Obviously(undoubtedly), the principal reason why ----- is that------(表语从句), furthermore,----- In spite of the fact that A has made a great contribution to ------ ( give a push /color to----), it turns out to be trivial/nothing as compared with B, in the first place------, in the second place----, what is more, ---- may serve as perfect example to----(代替掉for example or for instance) All in all, it is ridiculous to rack one’s brain about----, it is an inescapable conclusion that ---- It seems certain that many people have formed an unrealistic picture of…, while majority, of course including me, would prefer --- as our inclination. Initially, Obviously, Lastly, When viewed from above perspectives, we, clearly, could see -----, +重复

