分类: IELTS雅思英语
先来看看4月5日雅思作文的题目: A long-distance flight consumes the fuel as much as a car consumes in several years time, and causes the same amount of pollution as cars. So some people think we should abandon the non-essential fights (such as for tourism), and it is more efficient than restricting the car use. Give your opinion about it.再来看看我4月1号发表的预测里面三级预测的例题:Long-distance flights are causing serious environmental problems today. Some people say that we should ban air travel totally in order to save the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?可以看到两个题目非常相像,原因在于这次考的题目事实上是2006年3月25日考过的老题,我本来预测这次可能会把06年的某些老题稍加改动出一个“半新题”,没想到剑桥委员会出题的考官如此之懒,题目连一个字都没改就直接搬过来了。这次能够精确命中,再一次证明了我之前提出的观点:如果剑桥委员会要出老题的话,一般会选择2-3年前的题目。所以对于今年要参加考试的烤鸭来说,记住:不要再拿剑2-剑6上的作文题目来当练习的素材了-那些题目永远也不会再考到了,以2005-2006年考过的真题作为练笔的题目才是明智的做法!(我的博客上有2006年全年的题目,2005年由于年代久远故未能收集完全)接下来分析一下这次的考题,应该说上过我的作文课的学生会发现这次的题目不难写,因为我在课上重点分析过类似的题目。从结构上来说,这个题目毫无疑问适合用“三对一”结构来进行写作。以下为参考结构:第一段:开头段Introduce the topic (改写题目)Statement (表明自己观点-Abandon non-essential flight这种做法弊大于利)第二段:让步段 (承认这种做法有一定的合理性-节省燃料消耗,减少环境污染)第三段:重点段 (论证这种做法会带来更多问题)第一句:过渡句第二句:分论点一 The practice potentially hinders the economic development in most countries. (需论证)第三句: Theoretical Evidence (理论论证分论点1)Abandonning non-essential flight-Employees in related fileds such as international tourist guides are likelty to become unemployed-Soaring unemployement rate-Economic development suffers第四句: 分论点二The practice is likely to bring about great financial disaster to some countries whose economy relies on tourism to a large extent. (需论证)第五句:Case Evidence (举例论证分论点二) 可以以马尔代夫这样的国家为例。第六句: 分论点三The practice is also likely to cost people much more time on traveling, especially to some business people who need constantly travel from place to place. (Self-evident,无需论证)第四段:结尾段Summarize the nature of the practice-The problems outnumber the benefitsRestate the opinion-The practice is not a wise decision.