

分类: TOEFL托福英语 
Unit 26

scenario n.剧本的情节;电影剧本 [It(SCENA)]

scent n.气味;嗅觉 [ME sent

schematic a.概要的;图式的 [schema n.轮廓;概要;略图]

scheme n.计划;企划;组织 [L schema

schism n.分派;派系;分裂


scintillate v.闪烁火光;放出火花 [L scintillare(scintilla极少;微粒 There was not a ~ of truth in what he said)]

scion n.后裔;子孙;芽;小枝 [ME

scoff v.嘲笑 [(n)

scoop v.掘 [ME

scorch v.烧灸表面;毒骂;凋萎 [ME, perh rel to skorkle in the same sense scorching酷热的]

score n.抓痕;欠帐记录;得分 [(n)

scorn n.轻蔑;蔑视;侮辱 [cf OS skern MOCKERY 嘲笑,冒牌货,模仿make a ~ of 嘲笑]

scotch v.轻轻切割;镇压;扼杀 [17th c: perh = scatch stilt

scourge n.鞭笞;惩罚 [ME

scramble v.攀缘;争取;混杂一起 [16th c(imit): cf dial synonyms scamble, cramble]

scrape v.刮;积攒 [ME

scratch v.抓伤 [ME, prob

scrawl v.乱写;乱涂 [perh

screed n.长篇大论 [ME, prob var of SHRED碎片]

scribble v.潦草书写 [prob

scripture n.经文 [ME

scrub v.灌木林;丛林地带 [ME, var of SHRUB 灌木;果汁甜酒]

scruple n.踌躇;顾忌 [F scrupule or L scrupulus

scrupulous a.严谨的;审慎的 [ME

scrutinize v.详细地检查;细加查阅

scrutiny n.详审 [ME

scud v.疾行

[perh alt of SCUT 短尾, as if to race like a hare The boat scudded along before the rising wind 帆船乘着 [风疾驶]

scuffle v.混战 [cf Sw skuffa to push, rel to SHOVE强使 scuff拖足而走]

scurrilous a.粗野无礼的;嘲弄辱骂的 [L scurrilus

scurry v.疾走;快跑 [abbr of hurry-scurry redupl of HURRY]

seam n.缝合线;接合口;伤疤 [OE seam

sear v.烧烤;打烙印;使失去感觉 [OE sear(adj), searian(v),

sebaceous a.脂肪的;似脂肪的 [a ~ gland 皮脂腺

