

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
pert :: impertinent; forward
pertinacious :: stubborn; persistent
pertinent :: suitable; to the point
perverse :: stubborn; intractable
pervious :: penetrable
pestilential :: causing plague; baneful
petulant :: touchy; peevish
phlegmatic :: calm; not easily disturbed
pied :: variegated; multicolored
pious :: devout
piquant :: pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating
piscatorial :: pertaining to fishing
pithy :: concise; meaty
placid :: peaceful; calm
plaintive :: mournful
plauditory :: approving; applauding
plebeian :: common; pertaining to the common people
plenary :: complete; full
plenipotentiary :: fully empowered
plumb :: checking perpendicularity; vertical
poignant :: keen; piercing; severe
politic :: expedient; prudent; well devised
polyglot :: speaking several languages
portentous :: ominous; serious
portly :: stately; stout
posthumous :: after death
potential :: expressing possibility; latent
practicable :: feasible
practical :: based on experience; useful
pragmatic :: practical; concerned with practical values
precarious :: uncertain; risky
precedent :: preceding in time, rank, etc.
precipitate :: headlong; rash
precipitous :: steep
precocious :: developed ahead of time
predatory :: plundering
preeminent :: outstanding; superior
prefatory :: introductory
preposterous :: absurd; ridiculous
pretentious :: ostentatious; ambitious
prim :: very precise and formal; exceedingly proper
primordial :: existing at the beginning of time; rudimentary
pristine :: characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled
privy :: secret; hidden; not public
prodigal :: wasteful; reckless with money
prodigious :: marvelous; enormous
profligate :: dissipated; wasteful; licentious
prolific :: abundantly fruitful
prolix :: verbose; drawn out
promiscuous :: mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular
prone :: inclined to; prostrate
propitious :: favorable; kindly
propulsive :: driving forward
prosaic :: commonplace; dull
provident :: displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies
prurient :: based on lascivious thoughts
puerile :: childish
pugnacious :: combative; disposed to fight

