

分类: GRE-GMAT英语 
puissant :: powerful; strong; potent
pulmonary :: pertaining to the lungs
punctilious :: laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; precise
pungent :: stinging; caustic
punitive :: punishing
puny :: insignificant; tiny; weak
pusillanimous :: cowardly; fainthearted
putrid :: foul; rotten; decayed
querulous :: fretful; whining
quiescent :: at rest; dormant
quixotic :: idealistic but impractical
quizzical :: bantering; comical; humorously serious
rabid :: like a fanatic; furious
rampant :: rearing up on hind legs; unrestrained
rancid :: having the odor of stale fat
rapacious :: excessively grasping; plundering
rarefied :: made less dense of a gas
raucous :: harsh and shrill
ravening :: rapacious; seeking prey
ravenous :: extremely hungry
recalcitrant :: obstinately stubborn
reciprocal :: mutual; exchangeable; interacting
recondite :: abstruse; profound; secret
recumbent :: reclining; lying down completely or in part
recurrent :: occurring again and again
redolent :: fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor
redoubtable :: formidable; causing fear
redundant :: superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitious
refractory :: stubborn; unmanageable
refulgent :: radiant
regal :: royal
remediable :: reparable
remedial :: curative; corrective
remiss :: negligent
remunerative :: compensating; rewarding
reparable :: capable of being repaired
repellent :: driving away; unattractive
replete :: filled to capacity; abundantly supplied
reprehensible :: deserving blame
resonant :: echoing; resounding; possessing resonance
resplendent :: brilliant; lustrous
restive :: unmanageable; fretting under control
retentive :: holding; having a good memory
retroactive :: of a law which dates back to a period before its enactment
retrograde :: going backwards; degenerating
rheumy :: pertaining to a discharge from nose and eyes
ribald :: wanton; profane
rife :: abundant; current
risible :: inclined to laugh; ludicrous
risqu?:: verging upon the improper; off-color
roan :: brown mixed with gray or white
robust :: vigorous; strong
rococo :: ornate; highly decorated
roseate :: rosy; optimistic
rubicund :: having a healthy reddish color; ruddy; florid
ruddy :: reddish; healthy-looking
rudimentary :: not developed; elementary
rueful :: regretful; sorrowful; dejected
ruthless :: pitiless
sacerdotal :: priestly
sacrilegious :: desecrating; profane
sacrosanct :: most sacred; inviolable
sadistic :: inclined to cruelty
saffron :: orange-colored; colored like the autumn crocus
sagacious :: keen; shrewd; having insight
salient :: prominent
saline :: salty
sallow :: yellowish; sickly in color
salubrious :: healthful
salutary :: tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome
sanguinary :: bloody
sanguine :: cheerful; hopeful
sapid :: savory; tasty; relishable

