

分类: 法律英语考试 
中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the PRC

第一章 一般规定

第一条 根据中华人民共和国著作权法(以下简称著作权法)第五十四条的规定,制定本实施条例。
Article 1. The present Regulations are formulated according to the Article 54 of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Law).

第二条 著作权法所称作品,指文学、艺术和科学领域内,具有独创性并能以某种有形形式复制的智力创作成果。
Article 2. The term "works" used in the Copyright Law refers to original intellectual creations in the literary, artistic and scientific domain, in so far as they are capable of being reproduced in a certain tangible form.

第三条 著作权法所称创作,指直接产生文学、艺术和科学作品的智力活动。
Article 3. The term "creation" mentioned in the Copyright Law refers to intellectual activities from which literary, artistic and scientific works are directly resulted.

The making of arrangement and the provision of consultation, material means or supporting service, done for others in their creating activities, shall not be deemed as acts of creating.

第四条 著作权法和本实施条例中下列作品的含义是:
Article 4. These works mentioned in the Copyright Law and the present Regulations mean the following:

(1) Written works are works expressed in writing, such as novels, poems, essays and thesis;

(2) Oral works are works, such as unprepared speeches, lectures and court debates, which are created in spoken words and have not been fixed on any material carrier;

(3) Musical works are works, with or without accompanying words, which can be sung or performed, such as symphony and songs;

(4) Dramatic works are works, such as dramas, operas and local art forms, which are created for stage performance;

(5) Qu Yi works are works created mainly for being performed in a way involving recitation, singing, or both, such as cross talk, clapper talk, ballad singing and story telling;

(6) Choreographic works are works which are or can be expressed in successive body movements, gestures and facial movements;

(7) Works of fine art are two- or three-dimensional works created in lines, colours or other medium which, when being viewed, impart esthetic effect, such as paintings, works of calligraphy, sculptures and works of architecture;

(8) Photographic works are the kind of artistic works created by recording images on light-sensitive materials with the aid of devices;

(9) Cinematographic, television and videographic works are works which, being recorded on some material, consist of a series of frames of images, with or without accompanying sound, and can be projected with the aid of devices suitable in relation to a specific works;

(10) Drawings of engineering designs and product designs and the accompanying descriptions are drawings made for the purpose of actual construction and manufacturing and descriptive works contained in the said design drawings;

(11) Maps, diagrams and other graphic works refer to two- or three-dimensional works showing geographical phenomenon and demonstrating the fundamental or the structure of a thing or an object, such as geographical maps, plan of electrical circuit or an anatomical drawings.

第五条 著作权法和本实施条例中下列使用作品方式的含义是:
Article 5. The exploitation referred to in the present Law in relation to works shall mean the doing of the following acts:

(1) Reproduction is the making of if one or more copies of a work by means like printing, photocopying, copying by hand, rubbing, audio-recording, video-recording, re-recording or photographing;

(2) Performance is the public presentation of a work through vocal sound, facial movements and body movements, directly or with the aid of technical devices;

(3) Broadcasting is the communication of works through wireless radio waves and cable television system;

(4) Exhibition is the public display of works of fine art and photography, whether their original copies or reproductions;

(5) Distribution is the provision of copies of a work to the public by means such as sale and rental, in so far as the number of copies satisfy the reasonable need of the public;

(6) Publication is the public distribution of copies of the edited version of a work;

(7) Making of cinematographic, television and video works means the fixation for the first time of a work on some materials by means of cinematographic production or analogous process. This subsection shall not apply to the mere mechanical recording of performance or scenes or material objects;

(8) Adaptation is the creation of new original works on the basis of pre-existing ones by changing their original form of expression or the purposes they are originally designed to serve;

(9) Translation is the conversion of the language of a work into another language;

(10) A notation is the explanation of characters, words and sentences used in a literary work;

(11) Compilation is the creation of a work by assembling a number of selected pre-existing works, in whole or in parts, according to an arrangement designed for a specific purpose;

(12) Sorting-out is the rearrangement of pre-existing works or materials by changing their former state of being fragmented and poorly-ordered into a one of being systematic and orderly, such as the glossing and repairing of ancient classics.

第六条 著作权法和本实施条例中下列用语的含义是:
Article 6. As used in the Law, the terms listed below shall mean the following:

(1) News of current events refers to the mere report of facts or happenings conveyed by newspapers, periodicals and radio and television stations;

(2) Sound recordings refers to the original recordation of any sounds;

(3) Video recordings refers to the original recordation of a series of related images, with or without accompanying sounds, other than cinematographic and television and videographic works;

(4) Radio and television broadcasts refer to the programme communicated by radio or television station by means of diffusing signals carrying sound or images or both;

(5) Producer of sound recordings refers to a person who makes sound recordings;

(6) Producer of video recordings refers to a person who makes video recordings;

(7) Performer refers to persons who perform literary and artistic works professionally or not professionally.

第二章 著作权行政管理部门

第七条 国家版权局是国务院著作权行政管理部门,主管全国的著作权管理工作,其主要职责是:
Article 7. The national Copyright Administration, being an administrative department for copyright matters under the State Council, is responsible for the nation-wide work of administration of copyright by mainly carrying out the following functions:

(1) To implement copyright-related laws and regulations and to promulgate rules in relation to copyright administration;

(2) To investigate and redress cases of infringement of copyright that are of nation-wide influence;

(3) To approve the formation of and to supervise the operation of collective administration of copyright, copyright agent business dealing with cross-border transactions and arbitrations scheme for disputes raised in relation to copyright contracts;

(4) To undertake administration as far as external copyright relation is concerned;

(5) To administer copyright of which the State is the owner;

(6) To provide guidance for local copyright authorities with their performance of administrative functions;

(7) To carry out other duties assigned by the State Council in relation to copyright administration.

第八条 地方人民政府的著作权行政管理部门主管本行政区域的著作权管理工作,其职责由各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定。
Article 8. The copyright department under the local governments are responsible for copyright administration within their respective jurisdiction, whose duties shall be determined by the government of each of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.

第三章 著作权的归属与行使

第一节 著作权的归属

第九条 创作作品的公民或者依法被视为作者的法人或者非法人单位享有著作权,但法律另有规定的除外。
Article 9. Unless the Law provided otherwise, copyright shall belong to citizens who have created works and the legal and non-legal entities who are deemed authors by virtue of the Law.

The conditions laid down by the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China must be satisfied to be a legal entity. Social institutions and economic organizations, by not being able to meet the conditions to be legal entities, and the relatively independent departments forming a legal entity are non-legal entities for the purpose of the Law.

第十条 注释、整理他人已有作品的人,对经过自己注释、整理而产生的作品享有著作权,但对原作品不享有著作权,并且不得阻止其他人对同一已有作品进行注释、整理。
Article 10. Persons who have glossed or sorted-out preexisting works shall enjoy the copyright in the works thus created, in so far as they are not entitled to copyright in the works they used and do not have the right to prohibit the glossing or sorting-out done by other person in relation to the same pre-existing work.

第十一条 合作作品不可以分割使用的,合作作者对著作权的行使如果不能协商一致,任何一方无正当理由不得阻止他方行使。
Article 11. Where joint authors failed to reach an agreement on the exercise of copyright in a work of joint authorship which can not be used piecemeal, any party may not unreasonably prohibit the exercise by others of the said copyright.

第十二条 由法人或者非法人单位组织人员进行创作,提供资金或者资料等创作条件,并承担责任的百科全书、辞书、教材、大型摄影画册等编辑作品,其整体著作权归法人或者非法人单位所有。
Article 12. In the cases of works of compilation, being in the form of encyclopedias, dictionaries, text books or photo books of large size, as the case may be, copyright in the work as a whole shall belong to legal entities or non-legal entities who have arranged manpower or provided financial aid and material means for their creation and bear the responsibility in relation to the said work.

第十三条 著作权人许可他人将其作品摄制成电影、电视、录像作品的,视为已同意对以作品进行必要的改动,但是这种改动不得歪曲篡改原作品。
Article 13. Permission to make necessary alteration shall be implied where the copyright owner has authorized the making cinematographic, television or videographic work based on his or her work, in so far as such alteration does not distort or mutilate the original work.

第十四条 职务作品由作者享有著作权的,在作品完成两年内,如单位在其业务范展内不使用,作者可以要求单位同意由第三人以与单位使用的相同方式使用,单位没有正当理由不得拒绝。
Article 14. Where copyright in a work created within the fulfillment of duties belongs to the author, the author may ask his institution to permit a third party to use the work in the same manner as the institution might have done. if the institution does not use the work in the course of its business within 2 years after the creation of the work.

Within 2 years after the creation of the work, the author may, with the permission of the institution, permit a third party to use the work in the manner as the institution may have done. Remunerations thus obtained shall be divided between them according to agreed proportion.

Even after the expiry of the said 2 years, the institution may continue with use of the work in the course of its business.

The aforementioned 2 years period after the creation of the work shall be calculated from the date on which the work concerned is submitted to the institution.

第十五条 著作权法第十六条第二款第(一)项所称物质技术条件,指为创作专门提供的资金、设备或者资料。
Article 15. Material and technical conditions mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article 16 (1) of the Law shall mean fund, equipments or materials provided expressly for the creation of a work.

第十六条 作者身份不明的作品,由作品原件的合法持有人行使除署名权以外的著作权。作者身份确定后,由作者或者其继承人行使著作权。
Article 16. In the case of a work of unknown author, the copyright, except the right of indication of authorship, shall be exercised by the lawful holder of the original copy of the work. With the restoration of authorship, the copyright shall be exercised by the author or his heir in title.

第十七条 著作权法第十八条关于美术等作品原件所有权的转移,不视为作品著作权的转移的规定,适用于任何原件所有权可能转移的作品。
Article 17. Article 18 of the Law, which says that transfer of ownership of the original copy of a work of fine art shall not be deemed as transfer of copyright in the work, is applicable to all works the ownership of original copy of which can be transferred.

第二节 著作权的继承

第十八条 著作权中的财产权依照继承法的规定继承。
Article 18. Inheritance of economic rights contained in copyright shall be executed in accordance with the Law of Inheritance.

第十九条 合作作者之一死亡后,其对合作作品享有的使用权和获得报酬权无人继承又无人受遗赠的,由其他合作作者享有。
Article 19. In the case where one of the co-authors of a work of joint authorship dies without having heir in title or other beneficiary, the economic rights he enjoyed in relation to his contribution to the work shall be exercised by the other co-authors.

第二十条 作者死亡后,其著作权中的署名权、修改权和保护作品完整权由作者的继承人或者受遗赠人保护。
Article 20. Right of indication of authorship, right of revision and right of integrity contained in copyright shall, after the death of the author, be protected by the heir in title and other person to whom the economic rights are granted.

In the absence of heir in title or other beneficiary, right of indication of authorship, right of revision and right of integrity contained in copyright shall be protected by the copyright administrative authority.

第二十一条 国家享有的著作权,由著作权行政管理部门代表国家行使。
Article 21. Copyright enjoyed by the State shall be enforced by the copyright administrative authority on behalf of the State.

第二十二条 作者生前未发表的作品,如果作者未明确表示不发表,作者死亡后五十年内,其发表权可由继承人或者受遗赠人行使;没有继承人又无人受遗赠的,由作品原件的合法所有人行使。
Article 22. In the case of posthumous works, the right of disclosure may be exercised by the author's heir in title or other beneficiary for a period of 50 years, unless a prior statement by the author says expressly to the contrary. In the absence of heir in title or other beneficiary, the said right shall be exercised by the lawful holder of the original copy of the work.

第三节 著作权的产生和保护期限的计算

第二十三条 著作权自作品完成创作之日起产生,并受著作权法的保护。
Article 23. Copyright protected under this Law shall emerge on the date when a work is created.

第二十四条 作者身份不明的作品,对其使用权和获得报酬权的保护期为五十年,截止于作品首次发表后第五十年的十二月三十一日。作者身份一旦确定,适用著作权法第二十一条的规定。
Article 24. In the case of a work of unknown author, the term of protection in relation to economic rights shall be 50 years ending on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of the work. Article 21 of the Law shall be applicable after authorship of the work becomes ascertained.

第二十五条 外国人的作品首先在中国境内发表的,其著作权保护期自首次发表之日起计算。
Article 25. In the case of works by foreign authors that have first published in China, the term of protection shall be calculated from the date of first publication of the work.

The first publication in China mentioned in the paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Law in relation to works of foreigners refer to the situation where unpublished works of foreigners have been published for the first time in China by lawful means.

Works of foreigners first published outside China shall be deemed first published in China if it is published in China within 30 days after its first publication.

Unpublished works of foreigners shall also be deemed first published in China if their authorized adaptations or translations are first published in China.

第四节 权利的限制

第二十六条 著作权法所称已经发表的作品,指著作权人以著作权法规定的方式公之于众的作品。
Article 26. As used in the Law, a published work refers to a work which has been made known to the public by means stipulated in the Law.

第二十七条 著作权法第二十二条第(二)项规定的适当引用他人已经发表的作品,必须具备下列条件:
Article 27. The following conditions have to be satisfied for an act to be deemed appropriate quotation of published works by act to be deemed appropriate quotation of published works by others mentioned in Article 22 (2) of the Law:

(1) The quotation is made solely for the purpose of introducing or reviewing the source works or making clear a point;

(2) What has been quoted does not form a major or substantial part of the work of the quoter;

(3) The interests of the copyright owner of the work being quoted shall not be prejudiced.

第二十八条 著作权法第二十二条第(三)项的规定,指在符合新闻报道目的的范围内,不可避免地再现已经发表的作品。
Article 28. Article 22(3) of the Law refers to unavoidable inclusion of published works as is justified by the purpose of reporting current events.

第二十九条 依照著作权法第二十二条第(六)、(七)项的规定使用他人已经发表的作品,不得影响作品的正常利用,也不得无故损害著作权人的合法权益。
Article 29. Making use of published works of other persons by virtue of Article 22 (6) and (7) shall not harm the normal exploitation of the works concerned and shall not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the copyright owners.

第三十条 依照著作权法第二十二条第(九)项的规定表演已经发表的作品,不得向听众、观众收取费用,也不得向表演者支付报酬。
Article 30. In the case of performance of published works as is permitted by Article 22 (9) of the Law, no fees shall be charged on viewing or hearing audience and no remuneration shall be paid to the performers.

第三十一条 著作权法第二十二条第(十一)项的规定,仅适用于原作品为汉族文字的作品。
Article 31. Article 22 (11) of the Law shall be applicable only to works originally created in Chinese.

第四章 著作权许可使用合同

第三十二条 同著作权人订立合同或者取得许可使用其作品,应当采取书面形式,但是报社、杂志社刊登作品除外。
Article 32. It is a requirement that contracts with copyright owners and licence obtained for using their works be made in writing, except the cases where works are to be published by newspaper and periodicals.

第三十三条 除著作权法另有规定外,合同中未明确约定授予专有使用权的,使用者仅取得非专有使用权。
Article 33. In default of a clear indication in a contract in relation to the grant of exclusive right to use, only non-exclusive right to use by the licensee shall be implied, unless the Law stipulated otherwise.

第三十四条 国家版权局负责提供各类著作权许可使用合同的标准样式。
Article 34. The provision of standard forms of various copyright licencing contracts shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright Administration.

第三十五条 取得某项专有使用权的使用者,有权排除著作权人在内的一切他人以同样的方式使用作品,如果许可第三人行使同 一权利,必须取得著作权人的许可,合同另有约定的除外。
Article 35. The person who has obtained exclusive right in relation to the use in a certain way of a work shall have the right to prevent any other person including the copyright owner as licensor from using the work in the same way. However, the sublicencing of the same right to a third party shall be subject to permission by the copyright owner, unless the contracting parties agreed otherwise.

第五章 与著作权有关权益的行使与限制

第三十六条 著作权法和本实施条例所称与著作权有关权益,指出版者对其出版的图书和报刊享有的权利,表演者对其表演享有的权利,录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品享有的权利,广播电台、电视台对其制作的广播、电视节目享有的权利。
Article 36. As is used in the Law and the Regulation, rights related to copyright mean the right enjoyed by publishers in their publications, the right enjoying by performers in their performances, the right enjoyed by producers of audio and video recordings in their products and the right enjoyed by radio and television stations in their broadcasts.

第三十七条 出版者,表演者、录音录像制作者,广播电台、电视台行使权利,不得损害被使用作品和原作品著作权人的权利。
Article 37. Publishers, performers, producers of audio and video recordings and radio and television stations, in the course of exercising their rights, shall not prejudice copyrights their owners enjoyed in the works being used.

第三十八条 出版者对其出版的图书、报纸、杂志的版式、装帧设计,享有专有使用权。
Article 38. Publishers shall enjoy exclusive right of exploitation in typographical design of the books, newspapers and periodicals they have published.

第三十九条 图书出版者依照著作权法第三十条的规定,在合同有效期内和在合同约定地区内,以同种文字的原版、修订版和缩编本的方式出版图书的独占权利,受法律保护。
Article 39. By virtue of Article 30 of the Law, legal protection shall be available for the exclusive right a publisher obtained to publish, within the term of validity of and the territory of execution defined by the contract, a work in its original language and in the form of original edition, revised version or condensed version.

第四十条 作者主动投给图书出版者的稿件,出版者应在六个月内决定是否采用。采用的,应签订合同;不采用的,应及时通知作者。既不通知作者,又不签订合同的,六个月后作者可以要求出版者退还原稿和给予经济补偿。六个月期限,从出版者收到稿件之日起计算。
Article 40. In the case where manuscripts was submitted to a publisher on the author's own initiative, the publisher shall, within 6 months, notify the author whether he will publish the work or not. In the case of acceptance, a contract shall be made; in the case of refusal, notification shall be sent to the author in a timely manner. In the case where no notification is served and no contract is made, the author may, upon expiry of the said 6 months, demand that the manuscripts be returned and economic compensation be made. The said 6 months shall be calculated from the date of receipt by the publisher of the manuscripts.

第四十一条 由著作权人承担出版经费的,不适用著作权法第二十九条、第三十条、第三十一条、第三十三条的规定。
Article 41. Articles 29, 30, 31 and 33 of the Law shall not be applicable to the case where the cost of publication of a work is born by the author.

第四十二条 著作权人寄给图书出版者的两份订单在六个月内未能得到履行,视为著作权法第三十一条所称的图书脱销。
Article 42. The state of being out of print in relation to a work mentioned in Article 31 of the Law shall be established if a period of 6 months after two subscription forms were mailed by the author to the publisher expires without action being taken to satisfy the subscription.

第四十三条 著作权人依照著作权法第三十二条第二款声明不得转载、摘编其作品的,应当在报纸、杂志首次刊登该作品时附带声明。
Article 43. To object to the reprinting of his or her work in whole or in part by virtue of paragraph 2 of Article 32 of the Law, the copyright owner is required to make a statement to that effect at the same time when the work is first published in a newspaper or a periodical.

第四十四条 著作权法第三十六条第(一)、(二)项权利的保护期不受时间限制。
Article 44. No time limit shall be set on the term of protection in relation to the rights provided for in Article 36 (1) and (2) of the Law.

In the case of the term of protection in relation to the right of remuneration the performers enjoyed by virtue of paragraph 2 of Article 39 and paragraph 3 of Article 42 of the Law, paragraph 1 of Article 39 and paragraph 2 of Article 42 of the Law shall apply.

第四十五条 依照著作权法第三十五条的规定,表演者应当通过演出组织者向著作权人支付报酬。
Article 45. With reference to Article 35 of the Law, payment of remuneration by performers to copyright owner shall be done through the person who has organized the performance in question.

第四十六条 外国表演者在中国境内的表演,受著作权法保护。
Article 46. Performance by foreign performers taking place in China shall be protected by the Law.

第四十七条 外国录音录像制作者在中国境内制作并发行的录音录像制品,受著作权法保护。
Article 47. Audio and video recordings produced and distributed in China by foreign producers shall be protected by the Law.

第四十八条 著作权人依照著作权法第三十五条第二款、第三十七条第一款和第四十条第二款声明不得对其作品表演、录音或者制作广播、电视节目的,应当在发表该作品时声明,或者在国家版权局的著作权公报上刊登声明。
Article 48. To object to the performance, recording or making broadcasts of his or her work by virtue of paragraph 2 of Article 35, paragraph 1 of Article 37 and paragraph 2 of Article 40 of he Law, the copyright owner is required to make a statement to that effect at the same time when his or her work is published, or have the statement carried in copyright bulletin issued by the National Copyright Administration.

第四十九条 根据著作权法第三十二条第二款、第三十五条第二款、第三十七条第一款、第四十条第二款,使用他人已经发表的作品,应当向著作权人支付报酬。著作权人或者著作权人地址不明的,应在一个月内将报酬寄送国家版权局指定的机构,由该机构转递著作权人。
Article 49. To use published works of other persons by virtue of paragraph 2 of Article 32, paragraph 2 of Article 35, paragraph 1 of Article 37 and paragraph 2 of Article 40 of the Law, the user is required to pay remuneration to the copyright owner. In the case where the copyright owner is not identifiable or the address of the copyright owner is not available, the remuneration payable shall be remitted to the body designated by the National Copyright Administration for further transfer to the due copyright owner within 1 month.

第六章 罚则

第五十条 著作权行政管理部门对著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为,可给予警告、责令停止制作和发行侵权复制品、没收非法所得、没收侵权复制品及制作设备和罚款的行政处罚。
Article 50. Infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law shall be liable to the administrative sanctions to be imposed by copyright administrative authority in the form of public warning, injunction in relation to the production and distribution of infringing copies, confiscation of unlawful gains and seizure of infringing copies and equipments used for making infringing copies, as well as fine.

第五十一条 著作权行政管理部门对著作权法第四十六条所列侵权行为,视情节轻重,罚款数额如下:
Article 51. The amount of the fine to be imposed for infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law shall be the following, depending on situation of each of the cases:

(1) Infringing act given by Article 46 (1) of the Law shall be liable to a fine of from 100 to 5 000 yuan in RMB;

(2) Infringing acts given by Article 46 (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of the Law shall be liable to a fine of 10 000 to 100 000 yuan in RMB, or an amount of 2 to 5 times as much as the entire price of the infringing copies;

(3) Infringing act given by Article 46 (7) of the Law shall be liable to a fine of from 1 000 to 50 000 yuan in RMB

第五十二条 地方人民政府著作权行政管理部门负责查处本地区发生的著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为。
Article 52. Copyright administrative authorities under the local governments shall be empowered to redress the infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law.

The National Copyright Administration shall investigate and redress the following infringements against copyright:

(1) Infringements against copyright that are of nationwide influence;

(2) Infringements against copyright where a foreign party is involved;

(3) Infringements against copyright that should be redressed by the National Copyright Administration, as the Administration might think.

第五十三条 著作权行政管理部门在行使行政处罚权时,可以责令侵害人赔偿受害人的损失。
Article 53. In exercising its right of imposing administrative sanctions, copyright administrative authority may order the infringer to compensate the loss the infringed party suffered.

第七章 附则

第五十四条 著作权人可以通过集体管理方式行使著作权。
Article 54. Copyright owners may exercise their copyrights by way of collective administration.

第五十五条 本实施条例由国家版权局负责解释。
Article 55. The interpretation of this Regulation shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright Administration.

第五十六条 本实施条例自一九九一年六月一日起施行。
Article 56. This Implementing Regulation shall enter in force on June 1, 1991.

